
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

A topic discussed at T.O.P.S. a few years ago

I wrote this for my support group and thought it would also be a good blog topic, remember comments are welcome


How do we actually feel when we step on the scale and it is down a quarter of a pound or more?

Is the happy feeling because we actually worked at losing the weight ? Or because the group is going to give us positive feedback?

Do we use special occasions for over eating, for eating foods we know are not good for us?

Does dining out give us permission to make bad food choices?

We need to figure out why we sabotage ourselves, that second helping, the candy bar, the oh well I have already eaten too much excuse.

Do we really need to have a sweet after a meal? If so why?

Do we dress to hide our fat? Wear sloppy too large clothes?

Do we stay fat to hide our real selves? No one will be tempted by a fat person?

Do we stay fat so there is a reason we are not happy? Of course no one cares, I am fat and ugly?


Is food your friend?

Is it a hug when you need one?

Food will never say mean things

Food will not ignore you

Food gives you reason not to face the real problem

Is food a punishment when you feel like a loser, a failure?

Is it a punishment for not dealing with something important, like hurt feelings, abuse?

Is it to hide a trauma in your past you do not want to face, or to have happen again?

Is it better to be the you are now, than the you that you would become?

We need to remember the fat is hiding more than a normal body, it is hiding the real you.

It is hiding all of the hopes, dreams, emotions that you are keeping buried..

There is a beautiful you hiding in there.

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