
Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween, Day seven

Times sure have changed from when I was a child. We had masks made out of  brown paper bags, rubber bands and string. We did not go in costume, there was no money for that. Instead of trick or treating we went to the school for our Halloween party. We played games, bobbed for apples. Had sack races,  peanut races, there was even apples on a string hanging in a door way, for you to try and catch with your teeth.  At the end of the evening there was a sack of goodies  for each of us. It would have peanuts, an apple, an orange and  usually taffy wrapped in orange and black, For me the best part was if there were a couple of stick of black jack gum. Oh how I loved that gum. Candy and gum were rare in our house, so the holidays were good things to look forward to.
I remember when a trick was tipping over the outhouses, or soaping windows.  When my kids were young, the tricks were soaping windows and egging cars, there were no more outhouses to tip. When the kids were little they wore the lone ranger masks for the boys and pink  ones for the girls. As they  got older they would make their own costumes. I remember one neighbor girl wrapping herself in white rags and ace bandages, I wonder how her body had any circulation, but she survived. They would get together with a bunch of friends and off they would go. I think every house in our town was visited.. After day light savings time started it was a bit harder for the kids going out in the dark.  The most fun for them was when they got back home and looked to see who got what.
There  was always a favorite candy that they would bargain with each other for.  
They made a game out of it. Then it was bedtime , that was the hardest night of the year except for Christmas Eve to get them settled down. I would tell them a spooky story if they would lay quiet and soon they were off to dreams Halloween fun.
Today it is all about glitz and fancy costumes, the adults taking the night over. Of course the children will be all decked out in store bought outfits also. Now  they have to escorted  and only go where the light is on.  There are no more homemade cookies  or popcorn balls, homemade taffy or krispie bars.
Tonight  my light will be on and all the lady bugs, pumpkins, Dora the explorers, little monsters and princesses including my grand children will come in costume. I will give too much goodies and their parents will have fun getting those kids to sleep tonight.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Creative writers Challenge Windows

In the windows of our minds,
Looking out we can see dreams of tomorrow,
 If we look within, we see our yesterdays.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Paint by numbers~

Picture taken over 70 years ago

The baby in this old picture is me,
As time went by the changes you would see,
Today I made it to age seventy one,,
To paint my life by numbers would be fun.
The colors would be too many to say,
I know the colors will change along the way. 

Thursday, October 20, 2011

A poem ~liquid~

The Liquid of his lie
as it
rolled smoothly off his lips
to lie
 aching in your heart.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Writing blogs and posting charts

Believe it or not I got a nasty notice from Google saying I used copy write material. There was a web site that must cruise the blogs to check this out. Now I can understand not using someones writings if it  world changing. but a chart of the nutrient value of a potato? I think  it was more of a notice that my blogs are being read by this creepy web site for what ever reason. I am sure the nutrient value of potatoes is not a  private thing. I hope the whoever this is does not think that this is some one elses blog.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Frog in a dish~

This is a story about things important and unimportant.  The pretty dish with a doilie under, with frogs and shells so cute and easy to see. Along side of them I see the footprints of all lives lost when people that believed in Nazis idea of wiping out anything or anyone that was not them. It is important to remember each of these footprints of lives lost because of a mad man and angry people that were unhappy to follow him. I never knew any of the people that died for naught. I pray for them. I do not know any people that died to stop this madness. I pray for them. My story is about truth, I can not make up  fiction, so I write about what I know. There are people  today with the same madness and anger, wanting to destroy what they know not. I pray they see the light.
The horror of the millions of lives destroyed,
Are their spirits still wandering lost or are they found,
I pray there is peace for them and  for all us.
We forget so easily, all the cries for help,
When backs are turned chaos happens.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Windows of my mind

Look into the window of my mind,
You will find a busy place,
Ideas bouncing here and there,
Love and laughter,lets be kind
Think of smiles to grace my face,
Thoughts of people in my life that care,
Things not thought of I will soon find.

Look into the window of my mind
Memories good and bad some are sad
Take a look just one more time,
This mind of mine is God's design,
Words to write all new, of this I'm glad,
Joy from my heart and thoughts align.
It is there to see,everything all mine.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Time goes by

Tomorrow  will be a day of remembering good times. It is the anniversary of "my free to me" happy times when I married for the second time. We had a short time together as husband and wife, we had time spent together as friends  that laughed , worked, went fishing, enjoyed family and friends.So this is what I will remember. A week after our third anniversary my pal died from cancer. That is the day I really miss him the most. Time goes on. It will be 16 years that I have spent alone but not alone. I finished raising my son, married off children, became a grandmother many times , a great grand mother   also. Is there a part of this I would give up? To change anything, I do not think so, it is not ours to change, what is to be  will be.
I remember when I was  a child wondering who will love me. Then as a teenager I thought I knew what love was but common sense (in a teen?) said no and he died in an accident soon after. He has kept a place in my heart ever since. Then along came the young man I married, I thought I knew him, he was security, and I thought his dreams matched mine. We married and I soon found out what you think you know is not always reality. We stayed married, raised a family, I lost who I was somewhere along the way. After a quarter of a century. Something in me said. "Do not do this any more". I woke up and realized there is actually life outside of misery. It took time and therapy to find me. Luckily along the way I met Marce my pal , my friend. One day we were discussing a problem and when I came up with the answer he looked at me and said," How did you get so smart". It was then I started to put me back together and here I am , for better or worse all in one piece. We are tougher than we think. Loss, pain, misery might bend us, but not break us.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Trying to take God away

I think what really put me over the edge and into a panic attack, was a man named Richard Dawkins, an atheist that wrote a book about believing in any Superior being silly myths, he was on O"Reilly, he was such an evil jerk. I have no problem with people that do not believe that is their business but to write a book that he wants to be taught in schools is just bad . I have friends that are atheists,and I respect their opinion, they do not try and change my belief and I do not push my beliefs on them. I have to say this man was different, I could see that O"Reilly had trouble interviewing him .

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Creative Challenge 173 ~A picture~

                                                                              ~tee 2011~
A picture of time,
I looked back into the past,

Taking time to see,
The wonders that were there,
Into the future yet unknown,
 I wait and wonder where
This road will take me.


Saturday, October 1, 2011

Creative writers corner # 50 corn in a field

Sitting outside on the back steps in the dark drinking in the quiet of the evening, the children sleeping and a time for me to  finally relax for a while, to unwind . My day was hard, just like yesterday and the day before. Feeling the unborn child move, thinking you poor child. The baby's movement stops and I leaned back to look at the clear star filled night, the breeze gently caressing my face. I wait listening to the quiet of the night, the mooing of cattle across the road, the owls sounding lonely as I, doing their hooting calls to each other. Watching fireflies swooping here and there, remembering as a child I would catch them. I thought maybe tomorrow  night I could let the children stay up and see them.
Then in the quiet I hear a tiny creaking, then popping sounds, puzzled and startled I strained to hear where it was coming from. I heard more and and more of the small sounds coming from the corn field. A young mother alone most of the time except for the children, I was somewhat uneasy. What could it be I wondered, after listening for a while a while, those small sounds comforted me. Then quietly going back into the house where the children lay safely sleeping.  As I lay in my bed with the window open, I fell asleep to those sounds
 The next day my father in law stopped by and as I told him about these strange sounds, he smiled and said that was just the sound of corn growing. From then I felt comforted by these sounds of nature doing their job. As summer  started to turn to fall, the sounds from the field  changed. to a crackling tired sound like it knew it was nearing harvest time and I thought to myself, that is what life is. Life is about about growing and maturing making sure that life will continually be renewed.
