
Saturday, February 19, 2011

What part of this do we not get

Okay governors are trying to balance their budget. The unions do not like it. The DNC does not like it. The President does not like it. Putting limits on unions to force the states cites counties to keep giving out more money that they have. Or start to lay off or fire union worker thus increasing the unemployment numbers. This about unions forcing government to pay out too much already for retirement, Insurance premiums etc. Now none of these people are going to go without. They are just going to have to do what all non union people have to do budget and figure it out.
When people join a union how much does it cost them to belong? Who runs the unions, what share of dues goes to the union leaders? Unions look pretty much like a pyramid scheme and all of those people fall for it. You can bet the head of these unions get a pretty big chunk for buying Presidents, Senators, and others all the way down the food chain.
So this is my question to the dissenters of these options, Are we still blaming Bush? The Democrats have been in power for 6 years in the house and Senate and they did nothing to stem the tide of unemployment but want to increase more bureaucrats for the health care bill, I think the numbers are at 17,000 give or take a couple thousand. How is this helping our country in anyway shape or form?
Greed is greed and climbing on the backs of others is just wrong. Grow up union workers , the DNC and our President and realize we are broke!!!!!!

Monday, February 14, 2011

I did it!!!

I actually got out of the house, drove to town went to Walmart. I spent quite a while there searching for a collapsible cart to use to haul my groceries etc in from the van. but Walmart did not have it. But I did get most of what I needed. Maybe I just might go to town again, I forgot to get bottled water but maybe its cheaper to go the 8 miles to the local store and pay a dollar more than to drive 44 miles round trip with the price of gas. Then I can go to the library also. I miss visiting with the girls ( ladies ) there.
I am a tad tired and sore but I think its okay. I am just not used to doing much of anything. I feel free as a bird though. My bargain of the day was a snow white ( gray) fleece jacket that has GRUMPY appliqued on it.And lately that is just how I feel. I also got a couple bottles of Chardonnay and a bottle of O'Reilly's Irish cream. My flower treat for Valentine's day is an ivy plant and one I can not pronounce.. I always used to buy champagne and a bouquet along with jewelry because it was what my hubby always did. But I can not open a bottle any more and plants do not die. no jewelry this year. This day was his day for romance and I loved it. Crazy thing is if i mentioned any time of the year or any place that there was something I liked, it got bought. So I had to be careful. I think we wee making up for two long miserable marriages where we did not count. We counted with each other and showed it.
So I am making a nice meal, having a glass of wine and toasting good happy memories tonight. Hope everyone has a happy evening.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Language of Love

I like the remark that lights my day,
Our busy lives no time for words.
So often we forget to say,
The words that we need to hear,
That brighten us on our way..