
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Creative Challenge # 249 ~Pout~

You can pout , You can shout
 But it is not going to change
What you are angry about. 

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Friday fun and other things

I finally walked out of my house without huge piles of snow, not a bit of ice, the wind was not blowing at warp speed, the sun was shining In fact I was in a short sleeved tee shirt.I was going out! Believe me that was huge for me, its been a long winter in more ways than one.
I was on my way to meet up with cousins and go visit one of the aunts and her  daughter. Aunt Alice lives in an assisted living  apartment, she is a lively old gal with a huge problem, her blood sugar will not stay where It belongs so she is being monitored constantly. I can tell you though if you need family history she is sharp as a tack.

Well I met up with cousin Don and cousin Karen, no matter how long its been since we have seen each other, we pick up where we left off. We stopped at the family cemetery on the way to the aunts. Walking between the graves of grandparents ,parents, aunts, uncles is like seeing them in person they are gone but not forgotten.

The visit with the aunt and cousin from New Mexico was fun, memories, news, our old  age health problems and when are we going to see each other again were the main topics.And the laughter what a joyous sound, who says getting old isn't fun.

When I got home i had a nice surprise oldest son called, he has been working on his masters for a few years, while teaching school giving pottery lessons, doing  flea markets with his huge collection of high end antique glassware, he is finally getting his Masters degree on May 11th and wants me and his siblings there. This is the son that fought everything a parent could ask of a child, but we all survived his growing up years, even though I cried when he dropped out of high school. He and his wife had four children and were struggling, they managed to put her through nursing school ( she has been working at Mayo Clinic for years), then he went to college for his teaching degree. Now finally at age 52 he is getting his Masters and I will be there to cheer.

We should all be lucky enough to have those special days, when it is not earth shaking but full of love of life. Today is nice, remembering the after glow of yesterday.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Creative Challenge #248 ~ The Color Of~

The color of my spring is white
Green grass nowhere in sight
 Birds looking for worms their daily fare
Mother nature is mad she doesn’t care

Where are all the buds on the trees
They stay hidden, not wanting to freeze
Today is drab, all snowy again
This is not funny let spring begin!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

I am too old for this and love them anyway

 I watched the human tornado and her brother and sister last night and I figured out that  I should not do it after 7:00 P.M. that is the witching hour for them. Isley ( the human tornado) put welts on her brother's nose and  just under her sister's eye. while I was making their supper.
Then I guess terrible pizza that mom sent with them and store bought cupcakes (Store bought?) turned them all into hyper noisy children. Gone was the quiet coloring book kids that watched the Twins game with me. Gone was children with real ears ( their were  painted on).  Welts and all, the funny thing  is neither brother or sister  squealed on the human tornado, but when I figured it out they admitted she is a terror at home too.That last hour would have turned my hair gray if it wasn't already.
Do not get me wrong , I love those kids, until 7: P.M. then I turn into a zookeeper and know its time for them to go home.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

They caught the guy

We can not have terrorists walking around our cities setting off bombs. As I watched television yesterday first I wondered why all the over kill of law enforcement. Motorcycle cops in formation,FBI, State police, local law enforcement and other acronyms that I do not remember. Television coverage. People told to stay in their homes.This was one wounded person that they were looking for so they shut down all transportation in a city of 3 plus million people. All of the hallybaloo of the police cars zooming around, with most of the people in vehicles stayed in them, bus loads of officers unloading and then loading back up without guns even, it was quite a show and lot of money and manpower wasted.
Then when the stay in shelter was lifted one homeowner went outside and noticed blood on his boat and called 911. the homeowner lifted the tarp , looked in and did not get blown up or shot. Then law enforcement showed up and used noise makers to disorient him  shot a few rounds, not sure if the suspect fired back or got hit,( remember they wanted him alive). Then they announced to the crowds that they got him, put him in an ambulance and left. The crowds started cheering like at a baseball game or a boxing match. All I thought was I hope they give the homeowner a medal for being observant. And God help all the people injured and killed from two young men that started out wanting to be American.
Yes we gave them shelter, we gave then a chance to grow,  schooled them, and with medals and scholarships were proud of them, accepted them as peers. Both young men wanted to do good at one time. How did evil infiltrate their lives here in America. Th e 19 year old became a citizen on 9/11 2012 he wanted to be a doctor. His brother studied to be an engineer and wanted to go to the Olympics for America. Instead they killed and maimed people and for what?
There is something growing in our country, what it is I can not put my finger on. Do we dwell on the wrong things? Is it evil or an emptiness tha  can not be explained. For these two brothers, Timothy McVey and the rest of  young men in the past and the ones in the future are becoming murderers for some reason. What and who is turning them into illogical murderers because we are infidels and they want reward in the after life. These are intelligent people that must be empty emotional vessels for evil to fill.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Creative Challenge 247 ~ Playtime~

Playtime has begun 
For both father and son
When they find the engine won't run.

Call it what you will, 
That engine won't start until
With grease and oil they  have their fill,

Wrenches, switches and wires galore
Let us try this, its worked before
It started ,now we can mow some more,


Saturday, April 13, 2013

Where is our humanity

Where is the outrage? Where are the people that care? There seems to be few, I hear this on FOX news, I read articles about it, a few bloggers but no one else is talking. It is bad enough we allowed over 53 million babies to be murdered because liberals use the term fetus  and not baby to stop their lives.Then along come late term abortion , oh yippy you liberals say, we can kill of a few more. Now the monster Kermit Gosnell is on trial for murdering at least 7 babies by taking a pair of scissors and cutting their spinal cords at the 2 and 3rd cervical vertebraes. Living breathing full term African American babies ! Where the hell is the civil rights people, where  is the medical community, where is anyone that has a friggin conscious? This is humanity at its worst. We are Hitler , you better believe it, go take a look in the mirror ,because if you do nothing you are one of them.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Creative Challenge 246 ~Have You Ever Noticed~

Have you ever noticed
The reflection of the sky
on the soft waves of the water
As ducks go swimming by


Thursday, April 4, 2013

Creative challenge 245 ~ Pause~

Giving pause at the end of the day
Letting my soul enjoy God's display.

The clear even sky showing through the leaves 
 A simple beauty each leaf moving in the gentle breeze.

Creative Challenge 244 ~Attention to Detail~

With attention to detail I drew
 With pencil and paper and memories true,

Three sisters they are,  the memories few
Little sister asking for the stories  that I knew,

So with attention to detail a laugh, a smile,
I tell her about her big  sister for a while,

One day will come when she will know
The gift she was given, helped her love grow,

So sad there will never be, 
No pictures taken of those three,

So here Livvie  Jen, Jamie I see
No prettier  picture will there ever be.
