
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

2010 and where are the changes that were promised?

Scary all of the changes are not of a good kind, but they are still being blamed on President Bush. I do believe the decision to go to war was bipartisan (remember the Patriot Act?). I also think that Bush can not beheld responsible for the bail outs of the auto industry the unions , My God the unions need a bail out? They steal enough from their workers that they should be in good shape. Oh darn I forgot about the deep pockets of the heads of these unions.
Well forgive me I am getting old.
My next worry is when Obama decides to eliminate us old farts. that would save money. Then he could give it to the illegals that are taking the jobs that Americans can not find. I have a problem figuring this out, Obama is pro union and pro illegals , what about the majority of the workers that are non union and are legal Americans without jobs.
Now federal regulation on the banks and housing lenders except for Fannie and Freddie, And they hold the most mortgages.that must be Bush's problem also. Don't get me wrong, I thought Bush was front man for Cheney and I kinda feel sorry for him because he should of just stayed home on his ranch and let the war mongers do their own stuff.
we are in a world of hurt and so many supposedly Intellectual people actually believe the BS that Obama spews. Go figure! November will tell, college kids will have a party that night and the seniors will go vote. The Democrats messed with medicare, not a good thing for them at election time. You notice Democrat candidates are not saying they are Democrats in their ads. The young people might fall for that but I think us old farts know the difference. maybe we will finally get change we CAN believe in.