
Sunday, April 12, 2015

Just Checking In

After a few years of being home bound all winter and so isolated i will be moving to an apartment in a town twenty some miles away. Far enough so it will be a complete change for me to get used to without mourning for what can not be any more. So far the plans are on schedule and Hopefully do not fall through.

I blog on Blogster mostly and once in a while on the baby boomer site. And decided maybe I start back here more often than I do. some of these sites get negative and I do not do negative very well. I am still on FB and enjoy showing my  art work( I am a beginner) and my poetry.

A blog friend has  started doing hand whittled figures and i am impressed with his growing and working. I did give him a couple of hints which helped him in his painting of them and he is improving each month and spreading his wings. H ealso has started selling on Etsy so i thought I would post his Etsy address :

I am also posting a poem I did this week in response to the negative squabbling on  Blogster.

I cry for the hurting one,
For those that cry inside
I am saddened by the hurts
For the ones that hurt inside
I long for peace for the lonely ones
For those  that are alone in a crowd
I cry for all of the ones
For those that try to be seen.
Tee 2015

I hope everyone is doing well here on Blogger and hope to see you all more often.