
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Liars Liars Pants On Fire

I do not know about you, but I am sure tired of hearing total Bull crap from both major political parties. They take tax payers money waste way too much of it, some going to their excessive lifestyles. Did we elect them to hire others to do their work give themselves raises, take vacations, live way beyond the means of the very people that elected them. And that is all before they even start to do right for us.
Here we sit squabbling over which one is screwing up, FYI folks , THEY ALL ARE!!!!!!Just listen to the scare tactics of both sides acting like third graders and for what? How in the world can they get anything done correctly, they are not there long enough to do anything. And WE THE PEOPLE are letting them get away with it.
We are not a stupid people, we are however pretty damn gullible to swallow their BS,year after year , decade after decade. In this day and age and the availability of the Internet , listen to talk radio on both sides, watch all news show, get more than one view. Why aren't more people catching on and finding the few elected people that would be willing to change and start being the statesmen and women we need.
Now I am not saying one party's beliefs are all wrong, I pick and choose what makes sense, or as Ben Carsen said, Is it logical. We need to stop just seeing today, there is a lot of tomorrows down the road. Maybe its because I have lived through FDR, Truman, Ike, JFK, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush and now Obama that I can see where we started down that slippery slope ofour country dying from within caused by apathy  from We the people and the selfish greed of the  people we elect.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Happy Birthday Lee

~Remembering your smile,~
The easy way you looked at life,
When you last called me on Mother's day
Little did we know that it was last I love you,
Talking about your hopes and dreams for the family.
The angels knew and warned me, but I could not listen,
The joy of seeing you in your children's face gives me peace.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Monday musings

I think I am in a state of flux. Winter has been too long for me. It  has made  me realize changes must be in store for me whether I like them or not. These last 23 years, were they wasted? Were they just me afraid to deal with the world? I  realized I have survived but at  what cost? I am now down to calling myself a hermit, I have to force myself to leave the house.
I wonder is it me that keeps my family away from me? I pretend it is all good but its not. I am lonely I rarely see or hear from most of  my children. I thought I was a pretty decent mother but maybe I wasn't who knows.
We all make choices in life but family should be family, for some reason they have  pretty much closed me out. Is it shame on me or them? Some of it is in laws, We do not choose who our children marry.I think some is anger  still lingering from their parents divorce. If it is that , it is time to move on 20 years already.
The holidays are just so  stressful, I plan them making it as  nice a s possible, but I know with all the negative  comments that it is the last place they want to be. So I retired from doing Christmas, we  will see if they like it better if i do  not plan it. I decided I am not asking anyone about Easter, I am still over stressed from Christmas. So my yearning to see all my family together and happy will struggle with the reality of, they would rather not get together.
I know this sounds like a pity  party but it is not, at least I hope it is just me having to say it to someone.
I used to work in home health and I know from that  history that family has burn out when the parent is physically disabled.  Maybe we are just a waste of time, although I did not feel that way about my clients.
We are not innocent in some of this, Like me for instance it is easier to be afraid, to stay home to never try to make changes. better the devil you know than the one you do not. So I have been thinking, hope I can follow through with some good plans and not have to ask my children for anything. It is one thing  if they offer but it is sad and demeaning to me to have to ask.

The new 30

I guess I had  better shape up with getting healthy, stop whining about how old I am. I just heard that 72 is the new 30! Well how about that!  What I am trying figure is how I feel what a 30 year old feels or is the 30 year old just out of diapers. I guess you are younger than you feel is going to be the new saying.

When the doctor told be I made the magic number  when I hit 70, I thought oh wow, I am not sure why 70 was magic, I guess if you do not get some awful disease before that milestone it means you have less chance of getting one?

As soon as I heard  I am now the new 30, I felt 42 years just melt right off me. Too bad the excess pounds I gained since then did not melt with them. Now I have to think about finding a job, who wants to be retired just sitting on their behind when they are 30? Maybe I can apply on  line and work from home that way they will not see that I look 72, that I groan when I stand , sit, walk or any other simple movement.

I wonder who comes up with these interesting realities. according to them I am now younger than all of my children and some of my grandchildren, or am I? If I am the  new 30, do I now have  toddlers, to teenagers again?I know that I will give them all up for adoption before going to go through that again

Creative Challenge ~ Indescribable~

The indescribable beauty 
of a clear winter night
 on Buffalo ridge

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Creative Challenge ~ Thingamajig~


The  thingamajig was quite a draw
 They stood in awe at what they saw

That wondrous invention
 It sure got the attention
Not sure not what it will do
But just between me and you

 The next time we  dream
We’ll build a better machine.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Creative Challenge ~ Harmony~

Scattered thoughts
 Empty dreams
Wanting peace
to bring harmony
To my soul.
