
Saturday, October 30, 2010

This was posted 7 months ago and I found it again while looking on old blogs for something else.

I am anti abortion,
I am anti rude,
I am anti mean,
I am anti bigotry of all people that are bigots,
I am anti liars.
I am anti corrupt elected officials.
I am anti starving children while we fight over who is the meanest or craziest of the two parties
I am anti slander.
I am pro kindness,
I am pro faith,
I am pro helping people that need help
I am pro manners
I am pro understanding.
I like interesting
I like people that are able to think outside the box
I like people that would never think of saying rude, false things about people they do not know
I like people that use their brains to form opinions instead of copying and pasting someone else s thoughts, whether they know what they are talking about or not.
I like people with good sense of humor.
I like people that do not take themselves so seriously that others get the feeling they are snobs.
I like Minnesotans. Americans, Canadians, and most of the rest of the world.
I feel sad that our country has come to this dissension
I am sad that people are losing their jobs.
I am sad the people are losing their homes.
I am sad that children and their parents go hungry,
I am sad that they will go to bed cold or sleep on the ground or in a box
I was raised to not judge others until I walked a day in their shoes.
It always amazes me when someone I thought was open minded was not.

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