
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

creative Challenge

God’s gift to us

The call came on a dark dense foggy night,

Anxious voice said what should we do,

There is something wrong the baby is coming

The rush to the hospital, the terrible fright,

As son and I drove through the night,

Following the ambulance, the fog swirling,

Watching the barely seen ambulance light,

At the hospital the doctor said 26 weeks too early,

Prayers silently said while holding son’s hand.

We stayed that way son and I frightened and weary,

The doctor came and said you have a son so small,

Mom and dad just rest a while, the wait will be long,

Today I see Josh so handsome and tall,

I know God had a plan when he saved that tiny child

Holding Jenny in his heart when cancer took her away,

Josh my grandson envelopes us all with his manner so mild.

I wrote this on 11-22-2010

I remember well that day November 22 1963.I was 22 years old and had four children under the age of 5 one a month old. I was sitting on the sofa folding clothes, the children were all napping. My few minutes of peaceful quiet in my never ending hectic day. I was watching one of the soaps, for some reason I do not remember which one. When Walter Cronkite came on Television with a special report. I could not even tell you the exact words that I heard, I sat frozen when it registered, President Kennedy had been shot in shot Dallas. I sat there stunned, for how long I can not say, except when one of the babies cried I looked down and on my lap was a while of baby socks. All of this time I had been folding the socks for their tiny little feet. All I kept thinking as I changed and soothed the baby,was you poor little thing nothing is ever going to be the same again.

Okay I just have to say this

What the hell is the media thinking ? I am so sick of them making celebrities out of hookers and porn actresses. Do we need to hear this bull shit? Its bad when I have to hear the crap they repeat incessantly. Give me some real freaking news !!!! People are starving. Living in the streets freezing to death. North Korea is threatening the global world with the leader's insanity and they feel the need to interview these low life's? I bet their families are proud for cripes sake.
I for one am going to go to each network's web site and complain. every time I hear it. it is time for all people to complain,and turn off the shows. Mayne their low ratings might make news shows real news once again.

These are my thoughts about an interview on FOX news with the president of atheist .org

What is Christmas? Is it winter solstice? Alright does anyone care if people that believe in the pagan holidays celebrate in their own way. I have friends that believe in Wicca, I do not worry about their soul or lack of it. Isn't winter solstice on the first day of winter. Do we not honor that day in some small way and not be considered pagan?I thank them by the way for allowing us to adapt their evergreen for a symbol of everlasting life. There are people that believe we are from outer space. There are people that think we just exist then we care ? We do not throw stones at people that believe in other religions. Well maybe a few Christians do, but I think that every group has radicals in it. No matter the religion and as I just heard from some leader of a radical atheist group that atheists are starting a war on Christians because we stole the season from others? Billboards and going on FOX news to explain the theft no less. Now I do not think that atheists for the most part give a thought to whether all other religious and pagan groups are being excluded. I do believe that the majority of believers and nonbelievers of any group just live quietly respecting other people's beliefs what ever they are.

More Right to Bear Arms Another Thought

How often does a confused, hurt maybe broken child ,and at 15 still a child think of doing this..
I will say that when my youngest son, fighting for his life as a baby was in the hospital and a young native American boy about 9 years old would come into the room ever y day and ask how Scott was. He would say he will get better won't he? he seemed to care so much. I would tell him as long as he is here he is doing good. One day I asked him why he was in the hospital and he showed me his wound. It was a rope burn. He had tried to hang himself. Shocked by the horror I let him tell me the story and how sad. This child endured such abuse by the adults in his life that he wanted to die.
I gently spoke to him about Scott's struggle to live and that life was going to be better for him also when he healed because no one would let him go back to the abusers. His answer was,"If I go back, this time I will do it right." I learned a lot from that little child. There are too many people in this world that do not value a child and its potential. All they need is love, and the basics to live.

The Right to bear arms another thought

I still am thinking of that young man that took the hostages in WI yesterday, not the guns. He had to be desperate to be heard to do this. Everyone said he was a god student and friendly. But sometimes our pain on the inside does not show. it is like the young people hanging themselves for being ridiculed passed the point of no return. Most teenage one car accidents hitting a bridge or a pole or from high speed are suicides, no one says take away cars. We need to change what the schools the parents are doing. These children are lost in the cracks way too often. Now instead of help he will be thrown in some prison and learn to be a murderer.

The right to bear arms

Nov 30, '10 8:20 AM
for everyone
We will have this discussion every time we hear of a school situation. or domestic violence. It is not the fact that we can have weapons.It is the way society is raising their children or lack of good parenting. The fact that school lose students with problems in the mix of things.
I raised 6 sons and 2 daughters. five of the sons have guns. My brothers each have a room full. None of these people would take a gun out and kill someone.
Anger, hurt frustration mental illness, wanting help and no on listening are more the culprits than the weapon.
How many children are beat to death by their parents fists? How many drunk drivers are given back their license and go get drunk and kill someone. Students hanging themselves because of meanness and hatred of the group misfit and by misfit I mean someone that does not follow the group for any reason. Now there is drugs, every year I hear more and more that drugs do not hurt or kill.That is pure crap like cigarettes do not kill, or booze does not kill.
People make quick assumptions so they can move on to the more important daily lives and not have to think is there something we are missing here?

Just something I needed to say


When I was a child not feeling love,

Feeling hands that should not be there,

So helpless in my prison of bed,

Wait, I said this little child,

Crying inside, I hear the bus,

The bus was my savior,

When it stopped, he stopped.

Creative Challenge 11

Life In Motion

As a child the days were long, tomorrow a dream,

Running carefree in summer with the sun on our faces,

Or in winter sledding, making snowmen all bundled up,

The first date, the first kiss that jolt of emotion,

First love, not the final one but special anyway,

Saying, “I do” with promise so bright,

Thinking everything is perfect, this life we chose,

Reality sets in, the pain, the laughter,

Finding perfection was but a dream,

Pretending it will get better,

Living the false life dragging you down,

Who is this person that never used to be,

Where did you go, this person I do not like,

From time to time a flash of her, then gone again,

Then finding that life does have wings,

To step away, to find that child

In that image, you find the courage,

Real love is letting you be free,

To be the person you were always meant to be.

Creative Challenge 11-30

Go away Stinking Thinking

Looking out at the ice and little snow,

Winds blowing the trees, the street light blinking

I wonder where in the world I could go,

Can’t walk out and get the mail,

Grumbling aloud to myself, the mood is stinking,

Slipping in Bathroom grabbing onto a rail,

Making a mess with bowl of cereal.

Remembering the night of pain,

Wishing it away does not work,

A Monday Tuesday is what I am thinking,

Life is a choice I always say.

So choose to be happy, and plan a day.

Filled with music and laughter,

Let the wind blow, the gray sky be dreary,

This home is where I really want to be.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Creative Challenge ~ Time to Time

Life In Motion

As a child the days were long, tomorrow a dream,

Running carefree in summer with the sun on our faces,

Or in winter sledding, making snowmen all bundled up,

The first date, the first kiss that jolt of emotion,

First love, not the final one but special anyway,

Saying, “I do” with promise so bright,

Thinking everything is perfect, this life we chose,

Reality sets in, the pain, the laughter,

Finding perfection was but a dream,

Pretending it will get better,

Living the false life dragging you down,

Who is this person that never used to be,

Where did you go, this person I do not like,

From time to time a flash of her, then gone again,

Then finding that life does have wings,

To step away, to find that child

In that image, you find the courage,

Real love is letting you be free,

To be the person you were always meant to be.