
Thursday, October 9, 2008


I wish I knew what in the world happened to the Democratic party. Yesterday was the last straw as far as I am concerned. I am ashamed that I still feel like I am a Democrat, but not this new Democrat philosophy that is happening in this election. I have been called names, told I was stupid, crazy, nuts, uninformed, and thats the nicest words I have seen. TheDemocrat campaign worker that came to my door yesterday, was enough! At first he asked if I would mind answering questions. I agreed, He asked who I was voting for in the state election, then the federal elections. I anwered who I liked and he got rude, angry, abusive. Trying to frighten people into voting the way you want them to is disgusting. I do not care who others vote for, its their business. I do not have to agree with them. I do my own thinking. For others to say that anyone is uninformed because they interpet the info differently is rude.
So world get used to it.I am voting for who I want for the reasons I choose. As usual we will live with the end result. Hopefully we still have a country when this mess is finished. There is no magic wand, no magic candidate, no messiah, no alzsheimers, no crooks. Both candidates have a history,why not stand up like a man and explain it. Both candidates are saying negative things about the other. But at least the republicans are not whining about it. I am sick of the Democrats complaining, the media constantly repeating the supposed negatives from the republicans. If you are going to run, grow up and take what you hand out. If Obama actually wins will we have an offical whiner to answer for him? Or will he start doing his own whining. I learned to mute when the whining starts. I mute a lot.

Saturday, August 23, 2008


When ever I hear the word Obama ,my body goes into instant reaction. Hearing his name is worse than a nasty bout of the flu, morning sickness, or some other unwanted urge to throw up.I wonder if the media could get anymore anal about this guy. Maybe if they slept with him or went to the bathroom with him. There isn't much else they have left out. One nice thing about the media's love affair with this guy with the over inflated ego is we will be so sick of him we would vote for Yogi Bear of Jellystone Park, before voting for Obama.
He has these young people working for him thinking they are going to have a say if by some strange chance America's voters have a lobotomy and elect him.
Think again young people. This guy is going to do what he wants. Lets hope Hillary and some of the sensible Democrats and Republicans can hold him in line. Senator Biden will not be any influence.He will go the way Colin Powell went when the Bush's were done with him.
As far as Obama choosing Hillary, even to win, this guy would rather eat glass than have some one stand beside him, someone smarter than him , people would notice. He wants the GOD image to be his alone.You notice Michelle is no where to be seen. Why because in a crazy way, even though she is probably more like Rev Wright than Obama is, she also has the ability to speech without a teleprompter in her face.
Some day I will tell you all how I really feel about this very scary guy.

Monday, August 18, 2008


I am a little disappoiinted.I someone , anyone would be reading this blog. I know there are a lot of blogs out there, so I know takes time to read all of them. The following is a copy of my blog on 360.

Entry for August 18, 2008
I listened to the faith based interveiws of the 2 supposed candidates, ( I think they are called presumptive) HAHAHAAH! what a word. Why we needed to know what the candidates religion is, is beyond me. I do not care if they have a religion. I do care if they are good decent caring human beings! Honest would be nice. Caring about the very people that elects them would be nice. Taking care of the hungry and homeless in our own country before going out and "fixing" other countrys would be nice. How about actually making teachers earn their money teaching the children? How about making sure there are good teachers and good schools. What about the roads and bridges in our country? What about the fact that the auto industry has the knowledge to make more efficent vehicles? When we are all in good shape, then go forth and fix the world without trying to bankrupt us doing it. If they were deaf when it came to special interests, would be nice. If they did not waste money on idiotic things just to bring money into their state would be nice.
I think old dud and scary dud are out there for themselves and their egos. I do not think they give a thought about what is best for this country and its people. I also think we are going to get what we deserve. We have become a bunch of shallow people that works on not thinking too much. Do we think it will hurt our brains if we do? Maybe thats why alzheimers is on the rise, if you do not use, it you lose it.

Thursday, July 31, 2008


To all the people that read this and like Senator Obama, I am sorry I do not feel the same way. I will however say that maybe the media is to blame, shoving him into our faces like he is a newly crowned king of the world. As much as I hate to say this, the last time someone was adored and touted as the leader of a new and greater world, his name was Hitler. Now I do not think of Senator Obama as anything like Hitler. I am comparing the furor over him and Hitler. The Germans evidently were desperate for a new change, and boy did they get it. I also do not believe that Senator Obama is evil, does not want to kill people to get a pure race. I am however asking people to let their media people know that you want facts not myths. I just know that FOX and CNN say there's another email from that nut from Minnesota. But at least I stand up and ask the questions. Try it you might like it.
When people say he looks presidential I wonder has any of those same people ever looked at the faces of our Past presidents or their stature? For instance Teddy Roosevelt, John Adams, Herbert Hoover. Did any of those guys look presidential? Looks are skin deep. Or as my mother said "pretty is as pretty does". The fact that Americans started voting for the best looking candidate shows that we are going down a slippery slope. Remember how presidential President Bush looked and still struts his stuff like his idea of how a president looks. And look what we got there.
Senator McCain is not the crowning glory of anyones idea of a President that will get things done. We do have to understand how badly being President ages them. Look at it this way, McCain is already there. Also the rabbit did get to the finish line before the fox. He does however have commonsense,right now that looks good to me.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

If we do not start thinking instead of following we will get what we deserve

Here is the deal. Our country is in a world of hurt. We have two duds running for president. Dud number one is old dud, the other is scary dud.
Personally speaking I would consider voting for old dud before an egomaniac like scary dud . For cripes sake pretending to be president should be illegal. President Bush is still our president. Even though I do not think much of his administration. HE is still president. We do not need an over inflated egotistical narcissistic inexperienced eliteist running around the world pretending he has already been elected.
Now lets talk about the media for a bit.Those people are probably planning a coronation for scary dud. How he managed to get so many so called journalists to follow him like the pied piper of Hamlet is beyond me. Am I the only person in the entire country that noticed that Senator Obama lies with a straight face. During one of the first democrat debates he was asked if he had any connection to Rusko. He answered, that he barely knew who the man was , had worked for approximately five hours on a low income housing project. He had forgot that Rusko got Obama's house for him for under $300.000.00 under value. Has Senator Obama admitted to this mistake? Not that I ever heard.and the next year Rusko's wife sold the land next door to him. That Rusko had donated 186,000.00 to his election campaign. which Senator Obama said he gave away to a charity. What charity? Did anyone do an audit to make sure that Rusko only gave him that amount? I doubt it very much!!! So why the national media, A good share of talk radio and tv commentators and pundits ( including a lot of the so called GOP reporters) have joined the Obamarama bandwagon without batting an eye is amazing!!
Now old dud is experienced, has scars no can know what he went through to get them. When he forgets he is suppose to be on script, he talks the talk. He has a long standing on biartismship. I really do believe him when he says he would put America before the republican party. As far as I know he has not told any lies in public. As far as his ad saying Obama is like britany Spears and ParisHilton, I have been saying that for weeks. GO OLD DUD!!!!!!

Friday, May 30, 2008

Is this what America needs in the White House?

I was going to talk about something light and pleasant.Well that thought went out the window when a Catholic priest opened his mouth and inserted a very large foot. Now I am a catholic and I was very upset when I found out that some priests were perverts. I survived that, and I will survive the bigotry that was spewed by Senator Obama's friend. How many times will the people in his world show are nasty side of Obama. One wonders if his mother or his grandmother forgot to tell him "YOU ARE KNOWN BY THE COMPANY YOU KEEP"!!!!!!!!!
First it was his pastor, then his wife, then himself, now a priest. Each of these people showed America what they really feel. My goodness I can not believe any and all of this,( except the Rev Wright Sermons) were not given major news coverage on the networks and cable shows. If for no other reason that there is a separation of church and state. In order for the church to have tax free status it can not be used as political in any way. Maybe even discuss reverse discrimination. Or the extreme rhetoric by the members of Obama's group. I wonder why ALL of the media seems afraid to question any or all of these.
Another problem I have is that people actually sat and listened to the horrible tirade of this priest and I did not see one person get up and leave! They not only did not leave they stayed, they listened, they agreed. Is this called being a christian in any way shape or form? Talk about Muslim extremists, is this any different? Is this really what we want for our country? Do we really want a bigoted anti-white racist, America hater in the White house? People please be careful what you wish for!!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Where did our constitution go?

I am getting sick and tired of our rights as Americans being trampled on by all and sundry. Since when can anyone take away votes that were cast? Who does the DNC think they are? If I were a resident of MI or FL and voted in the primarys. I would go find a constitutional lawyer and sue the DNC for taking away our rights. The DNC are acting like 3rd graders.Its my way or the highway. Come on people this IS America for goodness sake!

As for the Obama Camp, what a bunch of babies. They threw a fit about revotes in these 2 states, when Hillary offered to pay for the redo. they knew he would lose. So this means she is being cheated out of her legal right to have a fighting chance as the Democrat nominee. Shame on the DNC and the Obama group. Looks like I will be a McCain Democrat. I might only agree with 40% of what he says, but I do not believe one thing Obama has said. There simply is no trust. McCain might not be the best but he is better than another Bush.The only difference between Bush and Obama is their political partys. Their over inflated egos are dangerous, Bush proved that.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Who makes the rules in politics

After listening to Senator Obama warning people to not mention his wife in the course of him trying to win the Democratic nomination. Wouldn't it be a wise move to have her stay at home and not speak? I think when one opens their mouth and gives an opinion , they are fair game to all and sundry.
No one asked Hillary if it was alright if they said things about her hubby.When asked about these comments she said the adult thing. No married couple thinks alike all the time. I think what Michelle Obama said was out of line and as revolutionary as her beloved minister's opinions. This is America and we are entitled to our opinions, including what the spouses of the candidates say or do when campaigning. Didn't Obama's people raise a stink about Mrs McCain's income tax?
A lot of our problems in America today is that people stopped questioning.I also think that all contributions should be public records. I think the names of each campaign member should also be public record. If Obama wants the new change, why not start with openness? What a concept!!! I am willing to lay odds that is not happening.