
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Another 360 blog after the 2008 elections

tee's tidbits's Blog

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The election is over people time to stop the madness!! I have never in my life heard and seen so much mud slinging by people that supported Senator Obama, I thought the republican party went over the line in the first Bush years with their abuse, but Democrats really out did them royally this election! I do not understand it,I am a Democrat and the childish name calling and dire warnings of doom made me ashamed to be a Democrat. Not only family members ,friends in life and in chat. The worst of it was and is the celebrities that are taking advantage of their positions on talk and news shows to keep the rhetoric up about McCain and Palin.

Now I do not and did not believe in Obama. I am an American, I will give this guy the chance to prove me wrong. No mud slinging. But day after day, night after night I hear personal insults about McCain and Palin. There is no reason to keep saying nasty insults! They have not stolen anything, murdered anyone, hurt anyone in anyway I ever heard, so what is it that frightens people to the point of slinging mud when these people have gone back to their homes, to their jobs ( which by the way both did quite well) and they will continue to do their jobs to the best of their abilities.

When is the real problem going to be talked about? The legislature, the people we vote in to do our bidding. Where is their loyalty to the voters , not to lobbyists, big business( and if you believe that democrats do not take the perks and the gifts from big business, I have some bridges to sell you) They as a whole, have not done their jobs and haven't for the last 20 or 30 years. It does not matter who is president if our elected Congressman and Senators do what they want without regard for the will of the voters.

Why not start writing letters, emails to your local representatives weekly, telling them what you like or dislike about how they are doing their jobs. We need to stop acting like spoiled 5th graders and do something about the problem instead of blaming the other side of the isle. There are no isles in America that can not be crossed. There should not be isles at all, it should be all for one and one for all. Discussion without rudeness. Debate means explaining you side of a subject , not try to destroy the opponent.

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