
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Creative Challenge # 261 ~Clear Skies~

Seeing the clouds of the gathering storm
The  instinct of fear for what is to come
Knowing that clear skies always follow
Will Ease our soul and allow us enjoy
The stark beauty of natures symphony.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Creative Challenge #260 ~Under The~

As the sun sets on another day, 
Under the cover of darkening shadows
 The comforting sounds of night begins again

Monday, July 15, 2013

What the hell?

For cripes sake what the hell is the matter with people?  The media should be arrested for race baiting, for encouraging riots, it is all media driven and the disturbances are by people that would riot for any reason. Our justice system works! Now Shut the hell  up people. I feel sick after hearing Chris Coumo yesterday and  this morning Geor ge Stephanopoulos . Making it sound like the jury lied. that it was a bad decision. Who the hell do these people think they are anyway?
A young troubled man with a history of fighting, of bragging he had guns, of stealing, doing pot, these things were not allowed in court. Well court or no court these things are true.  He was sent to live  with his dad because of these things. I have said before both of these people made mistakes and one died. The fact that it was a young person is his bad luck, because in my view if it he had managed to injure Zimmerman enough to stun him  Zimmerman would have been the victim and Trayvon would have been  the accused.
Now that incident was brought to trial against law enforcement and legal advice because of the law,because of the facts. Politics stepped in and made a travesty of our  justice system. The strange prosecutor that denied Zimmerman his right of a grand jury and instead filed second degree murder against him. Then this woman fired her worker that blew the whistle on her illegal hiding of evidence.
The prosecution along with the defense picked the jury. the jury used the facts to acquit Zimmerman. Now the prosecution,( who by the way are under investigation) are whining that the jury was wrong. The jury that they help pick, the one that they hoped would decide using emotion instead of a lack of facts. Well they were wrong!
Now the shit stirrers ,the President, the DOJ, The media, The racist Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and all the other bigots that do not believe in our justice system will be happy if all hell breaks loose, in fact they are working hard to encourage it. 
I felt bad when what I thought was a bad decision for Casey Anthony happened. Now I see what I did not before, it was not proven that she murdered her baby, just that she hid the body. So should I have rioted on behalf of  that  child or all the  babies murdered? What about the over 50 million babies killed by their mothers everyday?
Why aren't the very people wrecking property, wrecking lives out there protesting all of the murdered young black people that die every day. all the while the media does  their ratings dance of joy. Where is the President, the DOJ, the media, Al Shapton, Jesse Jackson and all the other bigots that are ignoring  this tragedy, instead are calling for Zimmerman's  blood.
Shame on all of them!!!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Creative Challenge # 259 ~The Key~

Like a beautiful flower, 
The key to a happy life
 is to bloom your  very best ,
no matter your surroundings.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Troubles Trials and Tribulations

Oh woe is me, for this I see,
How bad can things really be
Each morning when I wake
A new day for goodness sake
What can go wrong is what I think
I go make coffee and take a drink
The water was added  and the filter in
Forgetting the grounds should be a sin
Later on my  lawn needs to be mowed
Thats what happens when grass is  sowed
Where can my worker be I do declare
She said she would come, she would be there
So now the grass is almost one foot high
Its growing so fast, I want to cry
So I will find a new one that will  mow
You all can guess what  happens now
Hes half way done, I hear a big sound
No more mower, its broke I'll be bound.
So woe is me for this I see.
Having a yard is really not for me.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Creative Challenge #258 ~Memories~

Most memories are good, some are sad, some are bad.
I wish I could go back to this place for more memories to be had.