
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I wrote this on Yahoo 360, I thought it still should mean something

I wonder when intolerance, cruelty, violence become part of the world we live in. Are we born with all of these prejudices negative feelings?

Or are we taught from our parents as they were taught from theirs.When does a person stop caring about another's feelings? How can anyone love when their hearts and minds are filled with intolerance,hate and violence? Albert Einstein said peace must start with the children. I raised my family to be kind, to care about others, to be considerate. I was raised to live by the golden rule,"Do unto others" And hopefully I passed it on.

I get frustrated when I hear others speak of hurting others, good or bad.Then I think when does it end. How can it end. I do know it must end.We are meant to live in this world peacefully. Allowing each other the right to their own beliefs and traditions.

Maybe if everyone that reads this does something nice for a stranger, it will be a start. It would also be nice if everyone that reads this, comments on what they think the words, kindness, tolerance , and peace means to them. Maybe it is just one little step at a time by strangers to overcome the horrors that happen in this world.

I am told at times I do not live in the real world. If that is true. I am happy to be in the one I am in. I do believe anything is possible!

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