
Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Food For Thought, so many possible meanings.

Rep. Steve King of Iowa tweeted, “We can’t restore our civilization with somebody else’s babies,”
Now a lot of people think that statement is outrageous and maybe it is. Having said that I pondered his statement a lot last night and this morning and came up with this analysis of what I got from the entire tweet and  the following interview.
First of all he is right in that we kill our babies, the future of America by the millions each year, then rely on foreign peoples to replace them. almost 60 million babies in 43 years  proves that point.
I see that our government is trying to get our dreaded enemy "the Russians' to open up adoptions to the USA...well we did kill a lot of our babies so have to get them from somewhere. Notice I did not mention that our dreaded enemy "the Russians" babies must not be enemies as yet.
Second he went on to say he would like to see that in future generations the racist word is gone and everyone was the same color, meaning  blending the races, intermarriages are a good thing. Now how in the world is that a racist remark, a bigoted remark, a fascist remark ( Aryan race), it is just the opposite.

In my opinion most inter racial marriages seem to work just fine, according to the ones in my family and we have plenty of them.

He also said any immigrants should assimilate into our society, I also agree with that. So I guess he has his reasons for saying what he is saying and the KKK guy sure did not get the meaning of blending and not killing the different races. I know  a few Liberal members of my family who are married out of their race are insulted, because they too did not get what he was saying.

Of course what he is saying is impossible unless its a Stephen king novel but I will give him the benefit of doubt of what I seem to think he  meant, so if others have different opinions lets hear them...

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

I am Woman!

I am woman without the need to make a point....
I was raised to know I could do anything by a woman who had to do much to survive...
I raised two daughters the same way I raised six boys, to be strong, to know their worth, and to do what ever it is they wanted to do...
I walked the floor with these children when they were sick...
I stopped my housework to lay on the floor to play paper dolls or to color...
I stopped my work to go outside and play catch ..
I did this without making a choice about whether it ws a son or a daughter doing wither...
I sat up all night embroidering a jean jacket for a daughter that just had to look like one of the crowd for that time in her life and we could not afford the expensive jacket the rest were wearing...

And when a neighbor girl saw the jacket said"I wish you were my  Mommy". and now I wish she had been too when I see how screwed up her life is now...

I told them all they were smart, talented and wonderful....
I never needed to prove I was a strong woman, I did it with every jar of food canned from my garden  that I raised...
I did it every time I went and got a job to add money to our coffers and still be mom, housewife and wife..
I prayed a lot  when the children needed spiritual help, letting God decide what I should do...
I am now old and riddled with worn out joints , aches and pains, my family living their lives..
I am still strong in my own way, I paint, I write, I think for myself, I love...
I am woman!