
Friday, January 27, 2017

Work and Reward

Back in the day when youngest son was 8 or 9 ( he turned 37 yesterday ) and his sidekick nephew was 4 or 5, we were  living out in the country on the farm on Buffalo Ridge. One day I was looking out the window I could see that the wind or the dog had tipped over the burn bin so the yard was a mess.
About that time a friend stopped in and the boys asked if he would take them fishing.. He saw the messy yard and said ,"well if you boys clean up the mess in the yard I will take you fishing". The boys got busy and soon was tired of carrying a piece of garbage at a time, so geniuses that they were, they went and got an old plastic sled that had seen better days and started filling that with the mess. Both were boys scuttling around picking up the stuff and putting it in the old sled did not notice one important thing. The dog was running behind them and taking everything out of the sled that they were putting in.
Now that was funny to watch, then feeling sorry for the boys I told them to put the dog in the barn while they worked and they were amazed at how much faster their job went. AND they got to go fishing.
Now both boys do not rememeber that day, but the lesson they learned stayed with them, "When you are doing a job and things aren't working, stop and see how you can make it work". They are both successful men with families and I hope they pass on that little bit of knowledge to their children.

Friday, January 20, 2017

Inauguration Day

It is good to see, The Clintons, the Carters, the Supreme court, the Bushes,the Obama family here to honor the tradition. This is what it is all about, not politics, petty hurts, angry protests. It is about the transfer of power to another President just as it was planned.
                                      GOD BLESS AMERICA!

Monday, January 16, 2017

A great week In America, The Changing Of Our leader As Planned By Our Forefathers

This week is completion of the American process of continuing what America stands for. The election cycle, which is way too long and has too much gutter talk, was meant to choose the best choice for the times, which in this case Americans across the country did just that.
What is surprising is the refusal of a group of people refusing to accept the process that our forefathers put in place with good reason. Throughout time there have been winners and losers of each group’s choice, currently there are certainly more candidates being offered. And yes, that does change the dynamics of the elections, 
The what ifs do no one any good, it is what it is, we have elected in a legally planned way for Donald T trump to be our leader for four years and by the time that election time rolls around again we will know if our choice was worthy of him being elected again.

This is the way America has always works and hopefully will always work. The one thing that would benefit all of us weary voters would be passing a law limiting the campaign process to three months, even six months but that is it ,  Then there would be no time for the gutter talk, just tell us why we should vote  your way.
I will be applauding Mr. Trump when he is sworn in, and I know there will be 62,829,831 other voters standing with me cheering him on.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

I will celebrate our new President on the 20th

Do I care if celebrities you know all of those self important people that think they have the right to try and make president -elect Trump feel bad by them not showing up for inauguration ceremony or festivities after?
No I do not care! Why should I when it was not any of those"lost in their own other world mind" people that campaigned for Hillary and gave her money.
The people that should be there celebrating are the 62,829,832 voters that put him in office! If I could be there I would be, we the voters are  the ones to welcome him in as the leader of our country.
I want to think positive about this change in our country, I am ignoring the naysayers, the lefty bullies, its time to celebrate folks and I will be!
I say thank God to be rid of the Obama administration,  you know that one that let 62,829,832 voters down too many times, goodbye to your crazy PC crap, so long to your elitist attitude that you were better than the rest of us, goodbye to  your bigotry,good bye to all of the times you let "We the people " down!
Of course the media just yaks over and over ad nausaem about the celebrities, they are not important on this day, we the voters are and screw the poor losers.
God bless America and God bless our soon to be President Trump!

Saturday, January 7, 2017

I would love to have met them

Great graand parent on my paternal side

Friday, January 6, 2017

I do not get it

The fact that children stay on parents insurance until twenty six, why Twenty six, why not thirty or forty or forever?
Why is there a penalty for not having insurance?
We did not have medical insurance in the fifties and sixties, when we went to doctor we paid for it, when we went to hospital we paid for it, sometimes in monthly payments or like when I was pregnant and that was every year, I paid something each time I saw the doctor so when I went to hospital it was pretty much paid for.
Of course we did not have a new car, new furniture,  our groceries were healthy but budgeted, there were no vacations, our "vacations" were a day or two seeing our parents.
We did not own a house and paid rent, there was no homeowners insurance covering disaster and luckily we did not have one, when we could afford a house we bought what we could afford and then did insure it and improved it without remodeling loans.
The thing is we made it work, and we did it without the government helping!
I raised children and there were basic things they grew up knowing,.
One- was get the best education  doing what you like the best you can.
Two- was when you graduate you need to have a job.
Three- find a job with insurance  even it the job is not your first choice.
Four- if you have a vehicle you have it covered with insurance.
Five- was for the boys all six, if you get a girl pregnant you take care of the child!
Six- for the girls, if you get pregnant , you are responsible for that life, whether or not the father cares.
Seven- they grew up knowing if there were emergencies we were there for them. And we were....
Eight-Nothing is free no matter someone pays, and you  will be proud of what you have if you earn it.
Nine-Love your family for they will be the one that has your back, and they have found this  also true.
Ten- Life is not easy, but it is worth the effort you put into it.
So what  happened that the House and senate think that an adult person needs to be on their parents insurance, when did people become so fragile?
When did people start to think if you are pregnant that the life inside them was worth less than theirs?Iis this why life is so cheap for young people?
I keep hearing times change, and that is true but morals should not, empathy should not, our very humanity should not.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Hurting America

Who are these people that are part of the” hurt America by stopping Trump” ads? I have not seen one person I recognized on the ad. Every time I see it I wonder why in the world would any American want someone to fail. Are they that out of touch with the rest of the country?
I knew President Obama was a narcissistic self-absorbed flawed man but he won and that was that, I did not see anyone try and stop him from assuming the office. I did not see riots, protests because of it.
So the celebrity groups who have no idea how rural Americans live, decided we do not know what is good for us and are going to try and stop the American election process.
Surprise elitists but we are smart and do know what is best for our country, we are hardworking people that watched our country start to become a mess of socialist ideas, of fake PC caring and decided that was enough of that.
We are not racist, homophobic, hate women or hate men, we judge by actions not skin color. We believe in following the law and when we do not, we go to jail.
I am amazed at the vitriolic comments about the people that voted for Trump, it shows how ignorant these people are.
Who do these elitists think they are encouraging elected people to dishonor the office of the president by acting like spoiled children.
This nonsense must stop maybe remind these very people that the people that voted for President elect Trump are also the ones that buy tickets to their concerts and movies…

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Thoughts about the outgoing and the new president

I voted for Donald Trump, not so much because I thought he was next to the second coming but because he wasn't.
A flawed man, but a successful one, a business man  with personality and a strange way of making you trust that he is not lying.Of course that might be a facade but it also might be true.
The crazy mania that happened eight years ago was frightening for me, I could feel the fake, the darkness of the man.I hoped I was wrong, but he proved that he was next to the coming of our savior in his own mind and he showed  us every time he opened his mouth.
Both men inexperienced each in their own way to lead our country and both with totally different ideals.
As far as I can see Obama failed us, the regular people , the ones that get up in the morning and do our best to earn a living what ever it is.
I hope Trump does not, I hope that the winning the deal will push him to do the best for we the people, not the academics, the snowflakes, the ones that want something for nothing.
There is no free anything in this world and we need to teach our young that simple thing. No one fully appreciates what they do not earn, its never enough if its free.
Will we have peace or chaos time will tell, will people start earning what they are worth, will the president keep on listening to his voters,will there be a calm feeling in the country or will the agitators keep stirring the pot.... We shall see...
So I will take a breath, like I did with President Obama when I hoped I was wrong with hope for our future, only this time I hope I am right.

Monday, January 2, 2017

There Are People And Then There Are People

Thinkers or followers
Hard to tell which,
Debate the differences
That will tell the tale,
Thinker will pause
Follower will not,
One will ask, am I right
The other will say
I know I'm right
One is thoughtful,
The other will bluster
Thoughts, facts and myths
All different, in the end,
Thinker will know,
Follower will feel
Right never wrong.
tee 2017