I am shaking my head over the news lately. Our world is in terrible shape and all I hear is Lindsay Lohan got arrested five times and is not in jail. That Justin Bieber did something, not even sure what but who cares, The president and his family is going to Hawaii on vacation, thanks gimme people for voting him in again.
Do I care that William's wife has morning sickness? heck no, I had eight children and my morning sickness was my problem and never thought to share it with anyone.
Murder in Syria and no one cares, where the hell is the united nations? Are Syrian people specially the children not worth helping? Good thing we did not feel that way when it was Irish and British children we tried to save. We have fought for the innocent, do we think these people are not innocent or are we just to freaking selfish to do anything.
I remember when the media thought that when the Russians controlled the news that it was a terrible thing, to never let the world know the real news, well we sure have come a long way haven't we? Never say never, I wonder who is actually watching what is happening in our world.
I have said before over and over , lets get these people out of our capitol. I think voting in the same people over and over is a huge mistake. Where the heck did the tea party go? How the heck did this miserable excuse of a president convince so many people to follow his lies? I think maybe Larry might be right, Sorry for us if that is true. Are any of the others any better is a good question.