
Thursday, April 26, 2012

Momma Knows Best

"If wishes were horses then beggars would ride", A saying of my mom's when ever I would say "I wish". Then she would say "you get what you work for." Another saying of hers was" You only appreciate what you work for."
Born in 1897, she was one wise woman, her sayings are still meaningful today. Too many people have a selfish "I" attitude and think they are entitled to things without earning them.  It is time for people to wake up and smell coffee. Yes if you lost your job, can not find another one, have a family to feed. then you do need help and hopefully you get it. If you are really disabled and can not work the money should be there for you. Can't afford insurance? There should be insurance available on a sliding scale that you can afford.
 Too many young people  were raised to believe they deserve a free ride. There is no free ride that will get anyone  to a place where they are happy and have self respect. They will always want more and where will it end.Sooner or later the money will all be gone and so will our country.
We are a strong people of many ethnic backgrounds, it was the brave, people that came here and built this country, To think we should become what they left behind is something I do not want to see. It is time to stand and be proud of what we are, strong independent Americans that do not need a nanny state government to do handouts and take us back to the dark ages.

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