
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

What the heck,
I see a speck
Of what I do not know
Its so small it won't show,
The rest is clean
You know what I mean,
We all can agree
That speck won't let me be,
I tried to wipe it away,
But its here to stay.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Remembering peace

~Peace by tee 2011~

Strange as it may seem,
Everyone behaves like a dream,
I keep hoping for the best,
Thinking all of the stress is a test,
It happens over and over again,
Not the way its always been,
To hope for change, I will never stop,
Over and over again, I hope not.


Monday, December 19, 2011

Monday Monday

Day fifty three
Cookie making day, well it started out that way yesterday but I was out of some of the ingredients. I mixed up white chocolate chip cookie dough and roll out cookie dough, then I ran out of steam or rather my back did. Learning to accept limitations can be an ongoing happening. I  do not notice any hurt until it gets to a big warning level and then I have to stop. The dough is in the refrigerator for tomorrow’s baking.
Got some more packages in the mail to rap for the grands and great grands. It is getting pretty full around the tree.
It seems strange to not be making many more kinds of cookies , making  candies. But it seems that tastes have changed and that is not all bad. It seems that the children as well as adults like the veggie trays , the meat and cheese trays and the different relishes. Of course there will be something hot for everyone ( except me) to try, Kirsty always brings hot stuff and sometimes Scott will also.
I am still making up the menu for Christmas Eve and then for Christmas day. It looks like turkey for Saturday and manicotti for Christmas day. Ryker and Eden let me know that they like plain corn and not scalloped corn, makes it easier for me. I will be cheating and making stove top dressing also, well it seems the kids like it. I will make Italian pasta salad, have no done that for a while.
I am liking the thought of no really bad weather for Christmas, a brown Christmas is okay with me. No ice or snow to fight is a good thing. Of course it is harder to think it is Christmas without the snow. I remember a lot of nasty years with super cold, a lot of snow and no way to get out and go shopping. I am thankful for and I let my fingers do the walking.
This is an off year, so it will be smaller than usual, but just as  happy. Children grow up and get married and have other families to share and then their children grow up and it is even harder. But we usually manage everyone every other year. I like making  the day as joyous as possible, each year I remember the awful feeling that there would nothing under the tree, that there would be no tree at all. It all depended on what dad felt like I guess. Maybe that is why I have tried e to make a good Christmas  for my children, it is hard for me to not do this on Christmas eve and Christmas day.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween, Day seven

Times sure have changed from when I was a child. We had masks made out of  brown paper bags, rubber bands and string. We did not go in costume, there was no money for that. Instead of trick or treating we went to the school for our Halloween party. We played games, bobbed for apples. Had sack races,  peanut races, there was even apples on a string hanging in a door way, for you to try and catch with your teeth.  At the end of the evening there was a sack of goodies  for each of us. It would have peanuts, an apple, an orange and  usually taffy wrapped in orange and black, For me the best part was if there were a couple of stick of black jack gum. Oh how I loved that gum. Candy and gum were rare in our house, so the holidays were good things to look forward to.
I remember when a trick was tipping over the outhouses, or soaping windows.  When my kids were young, the tricks were soaping windows and egging cars, there were no more outhouses to tip. When the kids were little they wore the lone ranger masks for the boys and pink  ones for the girls. As they  got older they would make their own costumes. I remember one neighbor girl wrapping herself in white rags and ace bandages, I wonder how her body had any circulation, but she survived. They would get together with a bunch of friends and off they would go. I think every house in our town was visited.. After day light savings time started it was a bit harder for the kids going out in the dark.  The most fun for them was when they got back home and looked to see who got what.
There  was always a favorite candy that they would bargain with each other for.  
They made a game out of it. Then it was bedtime , that was the hardest night of the year except for Christmas Eve to get them settled down. I would tell them a spooky story if they would lay quiet and soon they were off to dreams Halloween fun.
Today it is all about glitz and fancy costumes, the adults taking the night over. Of course the children will be all decked out in store bought outfits also. Now  they have to escorted  and only go where the light is on.  There are no more homemade cookies  or popcorn balls, homemade taffy or krispie bars.
Tonight  my light will be on and all the lady bugs, pumpkins, Dora the explorers, little monsters and princesses including my grand children will come in costume. I will give too much goodies and their parents will have fun getting those kids to sleep tonight.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Creative writers Challenge Windows

In the windows of our minds,
Looking out we can see dreams of tomorrow,
 If we look within, we see our yesterdays.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Paint by numbers~

Picture taken over 70 years ago

The baby in this old picture is me,
As time went by the changes you would see,
Today I made it to age seventy one,,
To paint my life by numbers would be fun.
The colors would be too many to say,
I know the colors will change along the way. 

Thursday, October 20, 2011

A poem ~liquid~

The Liquid of his lie
as it
rolled smoothly off his lips
to lie
 aching in your heart.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Writing blogs and posting charts

Believe it or not I got a nasty notice from Google saying I used copy write material. There was a web site that must cruise the blogs to check this out. Now I can understand not using someones writings if it  world changing. but a chart of the nutrient value of a potato? I think  it was more of a notice that my blogs are being read by this creepy web site for what ever reason. I am sure the nutrient value of potatoes is not a  private thing. I hope the whoever this is does not think that this is some one elses blog.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Frog in a dish~

This is a story about things important and unimportant.  The pretty dish with a doilie under, with frogs and shells so cute and easy to see. Along side of them I see the footprints of all lives lost when people that believed in Nazis idea of wiping out anything or anyone that was not them. It is important to remember each of these footprints of lives lost because of a mad man and angry people that were unhappy to follow him. I never knew any of the people that died for naught. I pray for them. I do not know any people that died to stop this madness. I pray for them. My story is about truth, I can not make up  fiction, so I write about what I know. There are people  today with the same madness and anger, wanting to destroy what they know not. I pray they see the light.
The horror of the millions of lives destroyed,
Are their spirits still wandering lost or are they found,
I pray there is peace for them and  for all us.
We forget so easily, all the cries for help,
When backs are turned chaos happens.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Windows of my mind

Look into the window of my mind,
You will find a busy place,
Ideas bouncing here and there,
Love and laughter,lets be kind
Think of smiles to grace my face,
Thoughts of people in my life that care,
Things not thought of I will soon find.

Look into the window of my mind
Memories good and bad some are sad
Take a look just one more time,
This mind of mine is God's design,
Words to write all new, of this I'm glad,
Joy from my heart and thoughts align.
It is there to see,everything all mine.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Time goes by

Tomorrow  will be a day of remembering good times. It is the anniversary of "my free to me" happy times when I married for the second time. We had a short time together as husband and wife, we had time spent together as friends  that laughed , worked, went fishing, enjoyed family and friends.So this is what I will remember. A week after our third anniversary my pal died from cancer. That is the day I really miss him the most. Time goes on. It will be 16 years that I have spent alone but not alone. I finished raising my son, married off children, became a grandmother many times , a great grand mother   also. Is there a part of this I would give up? To change anything, I do not think so, it is not ours to change, what is to be  will be.
I remember when I was  a child wondering who will love me. Then as a teenager I thought I knew what love was but common sense (in a teen?) said no and he died in an accident soon after. He has kept a place in my heart ever since. Then along came the young man I married, I thought I knew him, he was security, and I thought his dreams matched mine. We married and I soon found out what you think you know is not always reality. We stayed married, raised a family, I lost who I was somewhere along the way. After a quarter of a century. Something in me said. "Do not do this any more". I woke up and realized there is actually life outside of misery. It took time and therapy to find me. Luckily along the way I met Marce my pal , my friend. One day we were discussing a problem and when I came up with the answer he looked at me and said," How did you get so smart". It was then I started to put me back together and here I am , for better or worse all in one piece. We are tougher than we think. Loss, pain, misery might bend us, but not break us.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Trying to take God away

I think what really put me over the edge and into a panic attack, was a man named Richard Dawkins, an atheist that wrote a book about believing in any Superior being silly myths, he was on O"Reilly, he was such an evil jerk. I have no problem with people that do not believe that is their business but to write a book that he wants to be taught in schools is just bad . I have friends that are atheists,and I respect their opinion, they do not try and change my belief and I do not push my beliefs on them. I have to say this man was different, I could see that O"Reilly had trouble interviewing him .

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Creative Challenge 173 ~A picture~

                                                                              ~tee 2011~
A picture of time,
I looked back into the past,

Taking time to see,
The wonders that were there,
Into the future yet unknown,
 I wait and wonder where
This road will take me.


Saturday, October 1, 2011

Creative writers corner # 50 corn in a field

Sitting outside on the back steps in the dark drinking in the quiet of the evening, the children sleeping and a time for me to  finally relax for a while, to unwind . My day was hard, just like yesterday and the day before. Feeling the unborn child move, thinking you poor child. The baby's movement stops and I leaned back to look at the clear star filled night, the breeze gently caressing my face. I wait listening to the quiet of the night, the mooing of cattle across the road, the owls sounding lonely as I, doing their hooting calls to each other. Watching fireflies swooping here and there, remembering as a child I would catch them. I thought maybe tomorrow  night I could let the children stay up and see them.
Then in the quiet I hear a tiny creaking, then popping sounds, puzzled and startled I strained to hear where it was coming from. I heard more and and more of the small sounds coming from the corn field. A young mother alone most of the time except for the children, I was somewhat uneasy. What could it be I wondered, after listening for a while a while, those small sounds comforted me. Then quietly going back into the house where the children lay safely sleeping.  As I lay in my bed with the window open, I fell asleep to those sounds
 The next day my father in law stopped by and as I told him about these strange sounds, he smiled and said that was just the sound of corn growing. From then I felt comforted by these sounds of nature doing their job. As summer  started to turn to fall, the sounds from the field  changed. to a crackling tired sound like it knew it was nearing harvest time and I thought to myself, that is what life is. Life is about about growing and maturing making sure that life will continually be renewed.


Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Sep 21, '11 11:08 AM
for everyone
Don't kill the messenger ,
The bearer of bad news,
We are never ready to hear,
Who ever brings the message,
It makes no difference,
The pain and sorrow will endure.

Life will go on day by day,
Even if we think we can not bear it.
The message returns less often,
The sun will shine again,
One day the messenger will come,
Some one else will cry.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

~ Images~

Sep 20, '11 1:57 PM
for everyone
Maui 2009


As we slip into the sunset of our lives
Memories of the past weaving images,
To savor with fondness or with sad regret,
Giving us comfort, reminders of what was,
Still dreaming of images yet to come.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

The apple juice drama

Blog EntrySep 15, '11 6:26 PM
for everyone
I could not believe the response to Dr. Oz's opinion about  the safety of apple juice.  I completely understood what he was saying. evidently the majority of reporters and  mothers that are so upset did not understand anything he said. He was trying to get people to understand that China a major importer of apple juice concentrate to our country DOES use the non organic arsenic in  their pesticide sprays. If I remember right, back in 1958 in chemistry class we were taught that arsenic intake was accumulative and over time could cause death.Women back in the day used it as makeup and ended up in big trouble.
So if parents are that easily frightened about apple juice, maybe they should look up  hormones in dairy and meat in this country. Then check out how tomatoes are kept in open silos to make ketchup. or pickles.  Another  fact is that most of our cucumbers for  pickles come from China. another source of possible arsenic contamination. Maybe the  media should start doing what DR Oz did and actually check it out instead of relying on the FDA, because  I would not trust the FDA to tell me the time of day.

Life Light

Never let the light in your eyes  grow dim,
Let it shine for the dreams in your mind,
Reflecting the light in your loved ones eyes,
The light in your heart will  glow unending,

Thursday, September 8, 2011


Wisdom when you are young is I can,
Right or wrong there were tomorrows.
Wisdom when you are middle aged I did,
Right or wrong  there was today.
Wisdom when you are old I should have.
Right or wrong there are yesterdays.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


~tee~ 2011

As the world changes in ways we can not see,
A shift of axis, that we do not feel.
Time is changing also for you and me,
Thinking  of others with empathy is less real
We do not share thoughts, we feel less free,
Together change again and let our world heal.

Sunday, September 4, 2011


Sep 4, '11 6:35 AM
for everyone

Lake Stay on an August afternoon 2011 ~tee~
Reflections of clouds, the far shore and ripples in the water, isn't that what life is like? There are days that the world seems cloudy and things are not worth doing, then the blue  in the sky reminds us of brighter days. When life's disappointments hits me and wants to drag me down, a trip out to the lake to just sit and watch nature's beauty, tells me there is today and I can try to make it beautiful in spite of clouds.I keep these memories near, so when I can not see them in person there are always the pictures and with them, the memories making life beautiful no matter what is happening.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

A New type of poem for me

People always seem to be in a hurry
Running here and there, everywhere,
Often not taking the time to see each other
Maybe if they stopped and took a while,
Images they missed every day before
Smiles from strangers, some rich, some poor
Everyone that stopped can see the promise of why.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Creative Challenge 166 ~ Illuminating Truth


She has cooked a nice dinner,
All ready to welcome them,
Waiting for hugs and laughter
Will they really come this time,
Quietly waiting,pacing the floor,
The hours go by its getting late,
Then the illuminating truth hits her,
No one is coming, alone again.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

R.I.P. Jenny, the memory bells are ringing today

January 30 1988-August 13 2004
Remembered with Love

When the angels called,
You heard them say,
Come let us take your pain away,
Your wonderful spirit lives on,
In our hearts everyday,
You will never be forgotten
 Sweet Jenny that you are.


Tuesday, August 9, 2011


My hands feel the beating of your heart,
My mind knows the gentleness of your smile,
My eyes see the wonder of love shining  in your eyes..
My longing for you is a sweet pain of remembering.


Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Love lights a fire
In your soul that never dies,
The glow might dim,
The embers last forever.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Saturday morning looking out my window

Jul 30, '11 7:06 AM
for everyone
As I sit here looking out at the first kiss of sun's rays of the day slowly brightening the sky with first a silvery white then turning to light apricot,then shading into pink, a lovely background for the quiet stillness of the trees. in the houses around, all are sleeping their dreams, while I shake off the my dreams of night. Slivers of sun start to peek thorough the trees etching beautiful designs on the grass. I notice a slight rustling of the leaves and the sway of the grass. Instead of birds I hear the hum of the air conditioner, The coffee is done and my day awakens on its own to be whatever it will be.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

I believe in miracles, some times Santa and the Easter bunny

But the question for myself is do I believe any of the  following: Like do I think any of the Editors of Murdoch's gossip papers are innocent angels? Piers Morgen is just as guilty as the next one. Not good for Larry King's replacement on CNN. Did Murdoch know, probably. The fact is first get the people that hacked, then follow the food chain  up instead of going from the top down.
Do I believe the President , the House and Senate are working for the best interests of the American citizens? Now that is one I do not believe in. I believe they all should retire, go home and not take any retirement package with them. Do I believe that will happen?
Do I think that Americans have any chance of a good candidate that can not be bought is in our future? This is when the belief in the Easter Bunny and Santa come into play, those myths are more believable than an honest hard working person being elected to over see the best interests f the people. Not lobbyists, not political parties and themselves first.
Do I believe Warren Jeffs uses religion to molest little girls? Well I do believe that one.  Evil does walk the earth  and in many different ways.
Do I believe  that someone just now noticed that celebrities in ads are air brushed? That is just too funny to be big news. In fact my personal view is this, if a celebrity is in the ad , I will not buy that  product. We pay for the extra cost of their face, air brushed or not.
Do I believe in the goodness of  people? I do for the most part.
I do believe in miracles, for I have been part of them. and for that I am thankful.
Do I believe I will get my Social Security check in August? That one is up for grabs.

Do I believe I will get more than one cucumber on my plant? I do have faith in that one.
Do I think that mother nature has PMS? I kind of wonder about that one, she sure seems to be having  sudden mood swings this year.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Mean words piercing ones heart,
Words spoken carelessly,
Hard hearted and unfeeling,
Trying not to show the hurt,
The wound lays deep within,
The pain  grows and festers until,
Your mind, your heart  explodes,
Leaving a hole in your spirit to heal.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Creative Challenge 163~ Dissolve

Jul 26, '11 6:54 AM
for everyone

Dusk that special time as day dissolves into night,
Soft evening sounds, birds twittering here and there,
The rustle of the leaves softly swaying in the breeze,
 First twinkle of the lightening bugs  darting everywhere,
That time when mother earth is winding down  for us to rest,
Waking up the night creatures, the owls soft lonely sounds,
Our woes seems less in this soft  quiet world,
That time that is a gift, slipping  into night to sweetly sleep,
To dream our dreams of a wonderful tomorrow.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Creative Challenge 162~Bubbly

Jul 18, '11 3:43 PM
for everyone
Our days are filled with too much hurry,
Always busy with this and that too much worry,
Work then home to work more, there are bills to pay,
Calls from family and friends, we all say no time to play
Each day like the other, when will it end we wearily ask,
A moment of quiet the phone rings, on to another task,
Times passes too quickly,hurry and worry are not what we need.
Laughter and love, happy and bubbly, let our spirit be freed.~tee~

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Creative Challenge 161 ~ Envious

Jul 12, '11 3:37 PM
for everyone
                                                              ~July2011 ~

Am I envious of the free moving things I see,

Of a deer gracefully leaping away from danger,
A hawk floating high above on the currants of wind,
Swans gliding through the water with hardly a ripple.
I delight in seeing their beauty and grace,
Is it envious to want freedom they enjoy.
A moment of wishing, then gone as it comes,
As night bring darkness and dreams reveal,
In sleep I am  again standing  tall and straight,
To move as freely as they, in my used to be.


Thursday, July 7, 2011

Blogging Journal ~ What fragrance takes you back

Jul 7, '11 3:40 PM
for everyone
I had to think long about this. I honestly could not say a perfume or one fragrance is locked in my memory. Lilacs send me back to memories of grubby little fists holding tightly to a bunch of bedraggled flowers, It must have taken a lot for those little hands to break off the few branches to bring me, but they managed, it was the prettiest sight and the most wonderful fragrance I ever had. Every year it seemed there was a new little fist, sometimes it was apple blossoms, plum blossoms, or lilacs. But mostly it was the wonderful scent of the child when I hugged them. Now I am lucky to have new little hands bringing granny the treasure of flowers, they still smell the same as did those other little ones when I hug them.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Hurts of a lifetime saved for later,
If we save them, they will fester,
Let them go and find peace inside
The choice is there for all to decide.

~tee 2011~

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

What is the point

Jun 28, '11 6:32 PM
for everyone

The days are hot and long, no rain in sight.
The drought seems to last forever.
Peoples living in quiet desperation,
Rising with the dawn each day,
Wondering what is the point,
Looking out at the darkened sky
Then hearing the sound of thunder,
The rain softly hitting against the window,
Life goes on today, then tomorrow,
You realize that is the point.


Sunday, June 26, 2011

A Sunday ponder

With so much going on in the world,I am thinking my take on God or religion is lost within so many others more radical views. Maybe I am over simplifying my view but here it is. I think God is the universe, our reason for being. A higher power, yes. Are we made in his image, I guess that is man's idea of giving him/her form. A lot of people think God lives in us, I think we are all parts of God, that we are Godly if we allow ourselves that gift.
People need to be right so they fight over who's God is the right one. There is one God, call him/her what ever you want. Honor him/her in which ever way works for you. The people that fight over religion are the real lost souls. I bet we give God indigestion a lot. Killing in his name is simply the largest denial of him/her. We need to relax, allow each of us our beliefs ,to give peace to the believer. We need to stop judging others, we have no idea what God wants or wants us to think. We were given free will, or did we take free will and turn it into something negative? I try to live within my personal belief,And some day I will know and understand. I hope I am doing it right.

Happy Sunday to all!

~tee 2011~
Rain rain what a pain.
Mother nature is to blame,
What is there to gain.
Each day it is the same,
Mow the lawn and mow it again

When the sun comes out,
We are ready to shout,
Then comes the dry ,
And as hard as we try,
Mother nature listen to us,
Make it rain without any fuss.

We are never happy
The weather is crappy.
We say one way or other ,
It is always a bother,
Too dry too wet,too hot or too cold,
Mother nature do as you're told.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Things that make me happy

First of all my family and friends. There is nothing in this world that can replace them.What would I be without them? I look at the family of four generations and see that I did pretty good.They are all beautiful, bright positive additions to this world. There is sadness for those lost, but loving memories keep them near, wisdom as we age shows us that those that have passed are closer than we think.
My home, I am queen of my castle. When you get older, the fear of having to leave it grows. So I am adapting mine so I would have to be very bad off to have to leave it.
Telephone and computers make me happy because they are my avenue to the world. I get messages and calls from friends and family and of course get to share my unique views of the world each day. Posting my poems, pictures and thoughts are fulfilling.
Getting out of bed each morning and enjoying each day the best I can. I love when the children or grand children call and ask me to research something for them, it means I am needed, doing my genealogy to satisfying. Yesterday I found three early generations of my children's paternal family.
Keeping pictures around ,even if it is not decor correct, I love seeing the faces of my loved ones as I move through the rooms. Taking pictures of them at holidays and family gatherings are the best, or when they are playing and do not see me taking the pictures.
This year I am lucky to be able to have a "garden", of course it is pots of veggies , herbs and flowers, but so satisfying to get dirt on my hands again. This old gardener/farmer misses what used to be, so even a few pots give me a door to happy quiet times digging in the dirt caring for the plants, then canning the hundreds of jars of food for my family. Crazy isn't it to miss hard work.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


The whispers of night travel softly through the dark,
The sound of the wind gently whispering through the trees,
The whisper of prayer,please give me strength to endure,
The night is long, when no one is there to whisper to you,
The whispers of memories slipping through your mind,
The comfort of peace with the whispers lulling you to sleep.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Creative Challenge ~158 ~ One

Jun 21, '11 9:18 AM
for everyone

One cry in a lonely night,
One sigh for love that died,
One light to find your way,
One dawn will make things right.

Just a thought


Mother nature knows,

When the wind blows,
When the water flows,
When the farmer sows,
When the plant grows.


Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Undeniable beauty of the day,
Clouds floating across the sky,
Wind rustling through the trees,
Birds chirping, singing their songs,
The fragrance of flowers sweetly strong,
Sounds of life making its way,
Across my senses, thankful I am here,

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Memories by tee 2011

The sweetness of life as we live it,

Not knowing there will be bitterness,
Moving back and forth bit by bit,
That is how life works for all of us


Friday, May 27, 2011

A memorial for my Brother David

I must have been 4, I do not remember a lot of things from that time but I do remember the day the Navy came to our home and knocked on the door. They asked for my new sister in law Mary, I remember the cry and the faint when she was told David had been wounded in action.I do not remember the words but I remember the fear that curled through my body. I did not understand wounded or action, just the pain and fear.
My brother David newly wed and age 19 was serving in a PT boat in the south Pacific and the boat was torpedoed. The men all survived but David spent three days in the water with a badly crushed leg before being found. Luckily he survived, even kept the leg. He was awarded the Bronze star and a purple heart, which for some reason he never collected.
The love story of Mary and Dave is famous in our family, he was stationed near New York city during training and he and some friends were walking down a street when he saw this beautiful girl in the shop window. he went in introduced himself and asked her to marry him and 4 weeks later she did. I never saw them ever part even for a few minutes that they did not kiss goodbye as though each time was going to be the last. They raised 7 children life happened, Mary got breast cancer and even back in those days she beat it. David had health problems all his life and died at age 57 from a heart attack. Mary still lives, she is now 86 and accepting the fact that she again has breast cancer. When I call her, she always mentions something about "my David", as always when he was mentioned that is how she said his name.She is patiently accepting what God gives her each day with her family and waiting for the day she finally sees her David again.

Monday, May 23, 2011

The optimist

I have no idea why I keep looking forward, I still dream of things to come. I guess my brain has not received the message that I am old in physical years. My brain, my dreams are as when I was young.
I know the quarter of a century when I was old in spirit was a wasted time. When I woke up and said enough, I wakened a joyous spirit in myself. I have suffered and lost loved ones, my husband, a son, a grandson, a granddaughter. There was pain, but I knew even in the pain they were fine. The pain was a selfish pain of my loss. Each day I wake up, I will moan and groan for a bit, thank God for the day, then I am up and thinking the hopeful mostly happy thoughts. Yes I get frustrated but then that is also a passing thing. We need to keep looking forward, taking the best of yesterday with us. Do not dwell on the bad, it eats a hole in your soul.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Hoping for a good day

One of my many grandsons is graduating High school today and of course like weddings the weather is not co operating. He is a nice young man, and plans to go to college in the fall. It is surprising how much life has changed since i was young. it is pretty much a given that a young person will go to college. Back in the day it was a privilege to do that at least in middle class America. of course we did not know we were middle class back then, we struggled, we worked, we raised our families. I am wondering what the ratio is, I am lucky that i have academic and mechanical marts in the family genes. Anyway i hope he has a wonderful day and great future.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Why liberals and conservatives can not debate

Blog Entry
Apr 27, '11 11:36 AM
for everyone
The only reason that I can think of to answer the debate question is, both sides have closed minds and can only imagine any way other than their set philosophies. I read and listen to both sides, I listen to Libertarians, independents etc. The media calling the tea party a political party is simply ridiculous. They are many different peoples ,with any different ideas. They are kooks there are very bright people with good ideas. So media stop grouping these people into the party GOP. It is a crock and media rating and simply causing more dissension. Just because a large group of Americans are fed up with the way our government is messing up, does not mean they are any political party.They are just what they seem, disgruntled Americans. For Candidates to call them selves tea party candidates is pure BS.So far none of any of the elected house or Senate has impressed me. Politics at its corrupt best is all it is. And we American voters still fall for the empty promises.
It is time we do listen to each other, stop being my way or the highway mentality, because if we Americans do not figure this out, we are going further down that slippery slope and closer to chaos than we think.
allenge 151 ~The day of ~May 4, '11 4:48 PM
for everyone
Day break 2011 by ~tee~

As another day awakens.
Hoping the sun will shine today,
Wondering what the day will bring,
The morning sounds of spring,
Listening for the birds singing,
The day of happiness or sorrow,
Its my choice today to make,
And the same I make again tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Hands so tender when love comes softly with your touch,
Trembling slightly holding the first child of your heart,
Holding on so tightly when at last you say good bye,
leaving memories of laughter and pain, but mostly love.


Monday, March 28, 2011

Creative Challenge~ In twenty five words or less

Creative Challenge~ In twenty five words or lessMar 28, '11 10:27 PM
for everyone

Mar 28, '11 10:27 PM
for everyone

Hope is having a better tomorrow

Faith is that it will happen
Both an endearing flame
That burns inside
All of us


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

We were given a challenge to write some using the letter "G"

Golly the letter "G" is going to be a grand Challenge.

Grasp for a good place to be when grief hits.

Gin and tonic is one answer, when its gone grief is still there,
Glory be if we bring God to our hearts,
Goodness will prevail when Godlessness abounds.
Granting peace and grace to those that read this.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Forever and a day

We crossed each others path in our mid years,
Becoming friends was slow and natural,
Showing each other we both had worth,,
Love grew from where I do not know,
It made us both strong together as one,
We knew each others thoughts not saying a word,
The day came you left this world we know,
I love you, the last words you heard,
You are here with me today as then,
Our love lasting forever and a day.


Monday, March 14, 2011

A small Prayer for the people of Japan

Mar 14, '11 9:38 AM
for everyone

For you I will light a candle,

To find your way through this darkness,
For you I will say prayers,
To give you strength, to accept,
I will hold you all in my heart,
To try and comfort you through the pain,
You will endure, you have before.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

WI fuss

First of all the state is in great trouble. The largest part is the already too much money spent on union workers. In addition these union people have to pay dues to the big shots that live like leeches off the working union people.
So now they take a small reduction in perks and do not have to pay union dues if they do not want to. They are still union, still have bargaining power. So what is the big deal? As a neighbor of WI I hope none of my genes were in that silly mass of people protesting nothing. and definitely hope none of the 14 Democrats that left their posts as representatives of the people and still get paid for not doing their job. are related to me. Do they think they are in Washington or something?

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Thinking it over

Life is ever changing,
Laughter and sorrow,
Sunlight and darkness,
Loving someone and finding it hollow,
Losing loved ones,
Leaving cracks in our heart,

Sometimes we chose our path,
Or we follow someone else's,
We think that is not our own,
As I look back on my life,
Having picked the path I follow now,
Thinking it over, the paths traveled,

All were for a purpose I did not know,
Taking steps unknown and fearful,
Or willingly running towards the unknown,
Were chosen for me by an unknown force,
For this I am ever so grateful,
This journey made me what I am.


Saturday, February 19, 2011

What part of this do we not get

Okay governors are trying to balance their budget. The unions do not like it. The DNC does not like it. The President does not like it. Putting limits on unions to force the states cites counties to keep giving out more money that they have. Or start to lay off or fire union worker thus increasing the unemployment numbers. This about unions forcing government to pay out too much already for retirement, Insurance premiums etc. Now none of these people are going to go without. They are just going to have to do what all non union people have to do budget and figure it out.
When people join a union how much does it cost them to belong? Who runs the unions, what share of dues goes to the union leaders? Unions look pretty much like a pyramid scheme and all of those people fall for it. You can bet the head of these unions get a pretty big chunk for buying Presidents, Senators, and others all the way down the food chain.
So this is my question to the dissenters of these options, Are we still blaming Bush? The Democrats have been in power for 6 years in the house and Senate and they did nothing to stem the tide of unemployment but want to increase more bureaucrats for the health care bill, I think the numbers are at 17,000 give or take a couple thousand. How is this helping our country in anyway shape or form?
Greed is greed and climbing on the backs of others is just wrong. Grow up union workers , the DNC and our President and realize we are broke!!!!!!

Monday, February 14, 2011

I did it!!!

I actually got out of the house, drove to town went to Walmart. I spent quite a while there searching for a collapsible cart to use to haul my groceries etc in from the van. but Walmart did not have it. But I did get most of what I needed. Maybe I just might go to town again, I forgot to get bottled water but maybe its cheaper to go the 8 miles to the local store and pay a dollar more than to drive 44 miles round trip with the price of gas. Then I can go to the library also. I miss visiting with the girls ( ladies ) there.
I am a tad tired and sore but I think its okay. I am just not used to doing much of anything. I feel free as a bird though. My bargain of the day was a snow white ( gray) fleece jacket that has GRUMPY appliqued on it.And lately that is just how I feel. I also got a couple bottles of Chardonnay and a bottle of O'Reilly's Irish cream. My flower treat for Valentine's day is an ivy plant and one I can not pronounce.. I always used to buy champagne and a bouquet along with jewelry because it was what my hubby always did. But I can not open a bottle any more and plants do not die. no jewelry this year. This day was his day for romance and I loved it. Crazy thing is if i mentioned any time of the year or any place that there was something I liked, it got bought. So I had to be careful. I think we wee making up for two long miserable marriages where we did not count. We counted with each other and showed it.
So I am making a nice meal, having a glass of wine and toasting good happy memories tonight. Hope everyone has a happy evening.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Language of Love

I like the remark that lights my day,
Our busy lives no time for words.
So often we forget to say,
The words that we need to hear,
That brighten us on our way..

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


I am alive I did survive,

The tunnel went away,

Thankful for this day,

The prayers we say,

Mean show me the way,

Keeping fears at bay,

The gift is given,

Why we do not know,

This day I wake alive.

Too sad to be funny

I have hearing and reading a bout the Democrat attack on Republicans for want ting change Social security. The thing is both parties when in power steal from the trust fund and never pay it back. They are both guilty as sin when it comes to screwing over the elderly and then blaming each other. Are we Americans that dumb that we actually believe either side? Of course they both want o change SS, Because it would most likely cause terrible financial chaos if they repaid with interest the money taken from the fund by both parties over the years.
I understand what is to be will be. Of course none of these elected people care because they will never have to rely on SS. We give them all even if they only serve one term,one of the retirement packages anyone could think of. Do they care about us? No way I can think of. Shame on all elected legislature AND the President if he goes along with any of it.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

In the name of right

In the name of right,

We take our stand,

We do not bend

We know the way,

In the name of right,

We hear but do not listen.

We call them names,

We know they are wrong,

In the name of right.

We do not see that in the end,

We stand divided, broken and alone,

We have won but at what a loss.


Sunday, January 16, 2011

I have been thinking again and that is scary

The far left blames the far right. the far right blames the far left. The far left wants a new constitution ours is out dated. the far right says we have to live strictly by the letter of the constitution.
This is like the duels fought with guns ( on my another reason to fight, guns). The only difference is, it is a duel with words. Sometimes words are as deadly as bullets..There is no win to this word duel. it is a lose lose situation for the American people. We like our country. What we do not like is the fanatics that are constantly bombarding us with bull shit! 99.9% of the blogs and media is pure bull shit. A spin put on by their own ideals or lack of.
Isn't it time for America to speak out? Oh darn it has it is called the Tea party . Now the Tea party is not a party, it is more like a rallying cry for politicians to look and listen to main stream America.the is no president or leader. there are some that yell louder than others. Sometimes they make sense, sometimes they do not. That is America at work.
Now a few far left people( there are a minority of these people that make the most noise) make fun of the Tea party, call it names like stupid, inbred, redneck, retarded, uneducated. Well surprise far left people you are wrong. The mass move to the right in 2010 should have showed you that pay backs are a bitch. How did calling names work for you? The far right will have the same surprise and maybe the far left in 2012 if "we the people" are not listened to. I am not a fellow tea party person. I listen and I watch and I try to sort the bull shit from all sides and what I have learned is that politicians in general have not learned a darn thing from all of this, but time will time.