
Saturday, May 7, 2011

Why liberals and conservatives can not debate

Blog Entry
Apr 27, '11 11:36 AM
for everyone
The only reason that I can think of to answer the debate question is, both sides have closed minds and can only imagine any way other than their set philosophies. I read and listen to both sides, I listen to Libertarians, independents etc. The media calling the tea party a political party is simply ridiculous. They are many different peoples ,with any different ideas. They are kooks there are very bright people with good ideas. So media stop grouping these people into the party GOP. It is a crock and media rating and simply causing more dissension. Just because a large group of Americans are fed up with the way our government is messing up, does not mean they are any political party.They are just what they seem, disgruntled Americans. For Candidates to call them selves tea party candidates is pure BS.So far none of any of the elected house or Senate has impressed me. Politics at its corrupt best is all it is. And we American voters still fall for the empty promises.
It is time we do listen to each other, stop being my way or the highway mentality, because if we Americans do not figure this out, we are going further down that slippery slope and closer to chaos than we think.

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