
Monday, February 14, 2011

I did it!!!

I actually got out of the house, drove to town went to Walmart. I spent quite a while there searching for a collapsible cart to use to haul my groceries etc in from the van. but Walmart did not have it. But I did get most of what I needed. Maybe I just might go to town again, I forgot to get bottled water but maybe its cheaper to go the 8 miles to the local store and pay a dollar more than to drive 44 miles round trip with the price of gas. Then I can go to the library also. I miss visiting with the girls ( ladies ) there.
I am a tad tired and sore but I think its okay. I am just not used to doing much of anything. I feel free as a bird though. My bargain of the day was a snow white ( gray) fleece jacket that has GRUMPY appliqued on it.And lately that is just how I feel. I also got a couple bottles of Chardonnay and a bottle of O'Reilly's Irish cream. My flower treat for Valentine's day is an ivy plant and one I can not pronounce.. I always used to buy champagne and a bouquet along with jewelry because it was what my hubby always did. But I can not open a bottle any more and plants do not die. no jewelry this year. This day was his day for romance and I loved it. Crazy thing is if i mentioned any time of the year or any place that there was something I liked, it got bought. So I had to be careful. I think we wee making up for two long miserable marriages where we did not count. We counted with each other and showed it.
So I am making a nice meal, having a glass of wine and toasting good happy memories tonight. Hope everyone has a happy evening.

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