
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Frog in a dish~

This is a story about things important and unimportant.  The pretty dish with a doilie under, with frogs and shells so cute and easy to see. Along side of them I see the footprints of all lives lost when people that believed in Nazis idea of wiping out anything or anyone that was not them. It is important to remember each of these footprints of lives lost because of a mad man and angry people that were unhappy to follow him. I never knew any of the people that died for naught. I pray for them. I do not know any people that died to stop this madness. I pray for them. My story is about truth, I can not make up  fiction, so I write about what I know. There are people  today with the same madness and anger, wanting to destroy what they know not. I pray they see the light.
The horror of the millions of lives destroyed,
Are their spirits still wandering lost or are they found,
I pray there is peace for them and  for all us.
We forget so easily, all the cries for help,
When backs are turned chaos happens.

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