
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The right to bear arms

Nov 30, '10 8:20 AM
for everyone
We will have this discussion every time we hear of a school situation. or domestic violence. It is not the fact that we can have weapons.It is the way society is raising their children or lack of good parenting. The fact that school lose students with problems in the mix of things.
I raised 6 sons and 2 daughters. five of the sons have guns. My brothers each have a room full. None of these people would take a gun out and kill someone.
Anger, hurt frustration mental illness, wanting help and no on listening are more the culprits than the weapon.
How many children are beat to death by their parents fists? How many drunk drivers are given back their license and go get drunk and kill someone. Students hanging themselves because of meanness and hatred of the group misfit and by misfit I mean someone that does not follow the group for any reason. Now there is drugs, every year I hear more and more that drugs do not hurt or kill.That is pure crap like cigarettes do not kill, or booze does not kill.
People make quick assumptions so they can move on to the more important daily lives and not have to think is there something we are missing here?

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