
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I wrote this on 11-22-2010

I remember well that day November 22 1963.I was 22 years old and had four children under the age of 5 one a month old. I was sitting on the sofa folding clothes, the children were all napping. My few minutes of peaceful quiet in my never ending hectic day. I was watching one of the soaps, for some reason I do not remember which one. When Walter Cronkite came on Television with a special report. I could not even tell you the exact words that I heard, I sat frozen when it registered, President Kennedy had been shot in shot Dallas. I sat there stunned, for how long I can not say, except when one of the babies cried I looked down and on my lap was a while of baby socks. All of this time I had been folding the socks for their tiny little feet. All I kept thinking as I changed and soothed the baby,was you poor little thing nothing is ever going to be the same again.

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