
Monday, January 16, 2017

A great week In America, The Changing Of Our leader As Planned By Our Forefathers

This week is completion of the American process of continuing what America stands for. The election cycle, which is way too long and has too much gutter talk, was meant to choose the best choice for the times, which in this case Americans across the country did just that.
What is surprising is the refusal of a group of people refusing to accept the process that our forefathers put in place with good reason. Throughout time there have been winners and losers of each group’s choice, currently there are certainly more candidates being offered. And yes, that does change the dynamics of the elections, 
The what ifs do no one any good, it is what it is, we have elected in a legally planned way for Donald T trump to be our leader for four years and by the time that election time rolls around again we will know if our choice was worthy of him being elected again.

This is the way America has always works and hopefully will always work. The one thing that would benefit all of us weary voters would be passing a law limiting the campaign process to three months, even six months but that is it ,  Then there would be no time for the gutter talk, just tell us why we should vote  your way.
I will be applauding Mr. Trump when he is sworn in, and I know there will be 62,829,831 other voters standing with me cheering him on.

1 comment:

Lia Storm said...

Though I don't put my faith in politicians, I am always willing to give them a chance once they are in office. That's when we the people get to see what they are really made of. I am quite dismayed at the fighting on both sides. This has been one of the worst election years I can remember as far as vitriol being spewed back and forth.

My prayers are with the new president. Time will tell how he fares and in four years, if he has not done the job, the people can choose another.

In the meantime, the people of this country need to put aside their differences and work together. A house divided cannot stand as they say.