
Friday, November 8, 2013

Can we talk the truth now?

The nation is taking a breath of relief over the Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare. It started with a lot of hoopla and fanfare only to find that it is the laugh of the century. Or at least it would be if it was not as serious for our country as a people. The only good thing about the fiasco is that now people can make jokes about it. They can make fun of something that the President calls his signature legislation.

The sad fact is no one in the media, or anyone else could ever say a negative about the President because they would be called a racist. This President has pushed his heritage of being a fellow African American. So all of the racist police like Al sharp ton and Jesse Jackson and their cohorts would jump all over anyone daring to mention Obama in a negative light. So ACA has opened the door to what people are really feeling, like I said , a breath of fresh air in this country.
First of all lets think about this,
1. President Obama is not an African American as we as a people understand the painful history of real African Americans. Those people that have a history of slavery, of the violence, all of the negativity of what being a slave means. All real African Americans should be proud of their history and the potential of their future since their people gained their freedom so many years ago.
2.President Obama’s family history did not have anyone live through ,beatings , killings lynching being made to free less that they should by segregation. Today’s African Americans allowed President Obama to borrow their history, their heritage of each passing year that they worked for equality.
President Obama is American Kenyan; he is also an adopted  and became Barry Soltero by his step father Indonesian. He is half Caucasian from his mother. But what he is not is African American.  He is not African American as far as I can see, I do see this as dishonesty, I  also wonder when he  legally changed his  name back to Barack Obama. 
3.Where is his  pride of what he is, he is educated, well traveled, comes from a very diversified family, with many step mothers and many different siblings, only one sister is ever mentioned, If his  writing are correct he had only seen his father once after his dad moved on to another life. Is he ashamed of his real background, I hope not for it is what made him what he is. The borrowed background had nothing to do with what he has become.
I hope  that "the never say anything about how the President is doing", that has permeated the five years of his office. He should like every other President take the bad with the good, Tell us the truth about all of the scandals that have happened over and over without any responsibility taken for any of it. This is not what a president should be like. One of the Presidents I do admire greatly is H.S. Truman; the man had to make a decision right or wrong to end the Second World War. And he full well knew what history would say and as usual he said “the buck stops here”. Now that is what a President does. The media should not be afraid of him or his  race police, the American people should not be fighting over whether or not this man acts like a President, We  should be able to do as I am doing, say the truth.

1 comment:

Phyllis Blickensderfer said...

Thank you for saying so many of the things I've been thinking. Since his election and his receiving the Nobel Peace prize, this president has wielded power with a sledge hammer - and now is the object of late night jokes. Even CMA jokes - though people are still called "RACIST!" because we dare laugh at the joke. America has had non-presidential presidents before and survived. I have confidence in our ability to do so again - as long as their are people who want to. I read them, they do exist!!