
Saturday, July 30, 2011

Saturday morning looking out my window

Jul 30, '11 7:06 AM
for everyone
As I sit here looking out at the first kiss of sun's rays of the day slowly brightening the sky with first a silvery white then turning to light apricot,then shading into pink, a lovely background for the quiet stillness of the trees. in the houses around, all are sleeping their dreams, while I shake off the my dreams of night. Slivers of sun start to peek thorough the trees etching beautiful designs on the grass. I notice a slight rustling of the leaves and the sway of the grass. Instead of birds I hear the hum of the air conditioner, The coffee is done and my day awakens on its own to be whatever it will be.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

I believe in miracles, some times Santa and the Easter bunny

But the question for myself is do I believe any of the  following: Like do I think any of the Editors of Murdoch's gossip papers are innocent angels? Piers Morgen is just as guilty as the next one. Not good for Larry King's replacement on CNN. Did Murdoch know, probably. The fact is first get the people that hacked, then follow the food chain  up instead of going from the top down.
Do I believe the President , the House and Senate are working for the best interests of the American citizens? Now that is one I do not believe in. I believe they all should retire, go home and not take any retirement package with them. Do I believe that will happen?
Do I think that Americans have any chance of a good candidate that can not be bought is in our future? This is when the belief in the Easter Bunny and Santa come into play, those myths are more believable than an honest hard working person being elected to over see the best interests f the people. Not lobbyists, not political parties and themselves first.
Do I believe Warren Jeffs uses religion to molest little girls? Well I do believe that one.  Evil does walk the earth  and in many different ways.
Do I believe  that someone just now noticed that celebrities in ads are air brushed? That is just too funny to be big news. In fact my personal view is this, if a celebrity is in the ad , I will not buy that  product. We pay for the extra cost of their face, air brushed or not.
Do I believe in the goodness of  people? I do for the most part.
I do believe in miracles, for I have been part of them. and for that I am thankful.
Do I believe I will get my Social Security check in August? That one is up for grabs.

Do I believe I will get more than one cucumber on my plant? I do have faith in that one.
Do I think that mother nature has PMS? I kind of wonder about that one, she sure seems to be having  sudden mood swings this year.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Mean words piercing ones heart,
Words spoken carelessly,
Hard hearted and unfeeling,
Trying not to show the hurt,
The wound lays deep within,
The pain  grows and festers until,
Your mind, your heart  explodes,
Leaving a hole in your spirit to heal.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Creative Challenge 163~ Dissolve

Jul 26, '11 6:54 AM
for everyone

Dusk that special time as day dissolves into night,
Soft evening sounds, birds twittering here and there,
The rustle of the leaves softly swaying in the breeze,
 First twinkle of the lightening bugs  darting everywhere,
That time when mother earth is winding down  for us to rest,
Waking up the night creatures, the owls soft lonely sounds,
Our woes seems less in this soft  quiet world,
That time that is a gift, slipping  into night to sweetly sleep,
To dream our dreams of a wonderful tomorrow.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Creative Challenge 162~Bubbly

Jul 18, '11 3:43 PM
for everyone
Our days are filled with too much hurry,
Always busy with this and that too much worry,
Work then home to work more, there are bills to pay,
Calls from family and friends, we all say no time to play
Each day like the other, when will it end we wearily ask,
A moment of quiet the phone rings, on to another task,
Times passes too quickly,hurry and worry are not what we need.
Laughter and love, happy and bubbly, let our spirit be freed.~tee~

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Creative Challenge 161 ~ Envious

Jul 12, '11 3:37 PM
for everyone
                                                              ~July2011 ~

Am I envious of the free moving things I see,

Of a deer gracefully leaping away from danger,
A hawk floating high above on the currants of wind,
Swans gliding through the water with hardly a ripple.
I delight in seeing their beauty and grace,
Is it envious to want freedom they enjoy.
A moment of wishing, then gone as it comes,
As night bring darkness and dreams reveal,
In sleep I am  again standing  tall and straight,
To move as freely as they, in my used to be.


Thursday, July 7, 2011

Blogging Journal ~ What fragrance takes you back

Jul 7, '11 3:40 PM
for everyone
I had to think long about this. I honestly could not say a perfume or one fragrance is locked in my memory. Lilacs send me back to memories of grubby little fists holding tightly to a bunch of bedraggled flowers, It must have taken a lot for those little hands to break off the few branches to bring me, but they managed, it was the prettiest sight and the most wonderful fragrance I ever had. Every year it seemed there was a new little fist, sometimes it was apple blossoms, plum blossoms, or lilacs. But mostly it was the wonderful scent of the child when I hugged them. Now I am lucky to have new little hands bringing granny the treasure of flowers, they still smell the same as did those other little ones when I hug them.