
Thursday, October 9, 2008


I wish I knew what in the world happened to the Democratic party. Yesterday was the last straw as far as I am concerned. I am ashamed that I still feel like I am a Democrat, but not this new Democrat philosophy that is happening in this election. I have been called names, told I was stupid, crazy, nuts, uninformed, and thats the nicest words I have seen. TheDemocrat campaign worker that came to my door yesterday, was enough! At first he asked if I would mind answering questions. I agreed, He asked who I was voting for in the state election, then the federal elections. I anwered who I liked and he got rude, angry, abusive. Trying to frighten people into voting the way you want them to is disgusting. I do not care who others vote for, its their business. I do not have to agree with them. I do my own thinking. For others to say that anyone is uninformed because they interpet the info differently is rude.
So world get used to it.I am voting for who I want for the reasons I choose. As usual we will live with the end result. Hopefully we still have a country when this mess is finished. There is no magic wand, no magic candidate, no messiah, no alzsheimers, no crooks. Both candidates have a history,why not stand up like a man and explain it. Both candidates are saying negative things about the other. But at least the republicans are not whining about it. I am sick of the Democrats complaining, the media constantly repeating the supposed negatives from the republicans. If you are going to run, grow up and take what you hand out. If Obama actually wins will we have an offical whiner to answer for him? Or will he start doing his own whining. I learned to mute when the whining starts. I mute a lot.

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