
Thursday, July 31, 2008


To all the people that read this and like Senator Obama, I am sorry I do not feel the same way. I will however say that maybe the media is to blame, shoving him into our faces like he is a newly crowned king of the world. As much as I hate to say this, the last time someone was adored and touted as the leader of a new and greater world, his name was Hitler. Now I do not think of Senator Obama as anything like Hitler. I am comparing the furor over him and Hitler. The Germans evidently were desperate for a new change, and boy did they get it. I also do not believe that Senator Obama is evil, does not want to kill people to get a pure race. I am however asking people to let their media people know that you want facts not myths. I just know that FOX and CNN say there's another email from that nut from Minnesota. But at least I stand up and ask the questions. Try it you might like it.
When people say he looks presidential I wonder has any of those same people ever looked at the faces of our Past presidents or their stature? For instance Teddy Roosevelt, John Adams, Herbert Hoover. Did any of those guys look presidential? Looks are skin deep. Or as my mother said "pretty is as pretty does". The fact that Americans started voting for the best looking candidate shows that we are going down a slippery slope. Remember how presidential President Bush looked and still struts his stuff like his idea of how a president looks. And look what we got there.
Senator McCain is not the crowning glory of anyones idea of a President that will get things done. We do have to understand how badly being President ages them. Look at it this way, McCain is already there. Also the rabbit did get to the finish line before the fox. He does however have commonsense,right now that looks good to me.

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