
Sunday, December 19, 2010

Angels among us?

Angels are like God, either you believe or you do not. There might be some that are willing to think maybe it is possible there are spirits around us and there are others that think when you are dead, you are dead. I say to each to their own beliefs or non beliefs.
My belief is based on actual happenings. So I KNOW they are there. Call them what you want, they just are. Ignore them if you have to, but they do not go away.

My experiences with the higher powers that surround us are so personal. I do try at times to explain the unexplainable. What I do know is that I am grateful that loved ones, the strangers’ feel comfortable to come around me. And sometimes let me know they are there. For those searching for answers, just open your mind and heart to the possibility and see what happens. To those that for whatever reason you either can not or just absolutely believe in nothing after you die you will scoff. What I write will not interest you in any positive way. In this season the word faith seems to become more important, to me faith walks with me everyday.

Now I am no bible thumper, or a religious fanatic, I am mostly a cafeteria Catholic. Is it pagan to believe in these things? Beats me, I know that our ancestors were pagan once upon a time so maybe it is in our genes. Like the Christmas tree, I believe it is a symbol of everlasting life. Or as the Native Americans know that sage smoke is a good thing to clean the air around us. I just accept the unknown as why not? Who are we to decide what can or cannot be proved. That is where faith comes in..

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