
Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Sep 21, '11 11:08 AM
for everyone
Don't kill the messenger ,
The bearer of bad news,
We are never ready to hear,
Who ever brings the message,
It makes no difference,
The pain and sorrow will endure.

Life will go on day by day,
Even if we think we can not bear it.
The message returns less often,
The sun will shine again,
One day the messenger will come,
Some one else will cry.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

~ Images~

Sep 20, '11 1:57 PM
for everyone
Maui 2009


As we slip into the sunset of our lives
Memories of the past weaving images,
To savor with fondness or with sad regret,
Giving us comfort, reminders of what was,
Still dreaming of images yet to come.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

The apple juice drama

Blog EntrySep 15, '11 6:26 PM
for everyone
I could not believe the response to Dr. Oz's opinion about  the safety of apple juice.  I completely understood what he was saying. evidently the majority of reporters and  mothers that are so upset did not understand anything he said. He was trying to get people to understand that China a major importer of apple juice concentrate to our country DOES use the non organic arsenic in  their pesticide sprays. If I remember right, back in 1958 in chemistry class we were taught that arsenic intake was accumulative and over time could cause death.Women back in the day used it as makeup and ended up in big trouble.
So if parents are that easily frightened about apple juice, maybe they should look up  hormones in dairy and meat in this country. Then check out how tomatoes are kept in open silos to make ketchup. or pickles.  Another  fact is that most of our cucumbers for  pickles come from China. another source of possible arsenic contamination. Maybe the  media should start doing what DR Oz did and actually check it out instead of relying on the FDA, because  I would not trust the FDA to tell me the time of day.

Life Light

Never let the light in your eyes  grow dim,
Let it shine for the dreams in your mind,
Reflecting the light in your loved ones eyes,
The light in your heart will  glow unending,

Thursday, September 8, 2011


Wisdom when you are young is I can,
Right or wrong there were tomorrows.
Wisdom when you are middle aged I did,
Right or wrong  there was today.
Wisdom when you are old I should have.
Right or wrong there are yesterdays.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


~tee~ 2011

As the world changes in ways we can not see,
A shift of axis, that we do not feel.
Time is changing also for you and me,
Thinking  of others with empathy is less real
We do not share thoughts, we feel less free,
Together change again and let our world heal.

Sunday, September 4, 2011


Sep 4, '11 6:35 AM
for everyone

Lake Stay on an August afternoon 2011 ~tee~
Reflections of clouds, the far shore and ripples in the water, isn't that what life is like? There are days that the world seems cloudy and things are not worth doing, then the blue  in the sky reminds us of brighter days. When life's disappointments hits me and wants to drag me down, a trip out to the lake to just sit and watch nature's beauty, tells me there is today and I can try to make it beautiful in spite of clouds.I keep these memories near, so when I can not see them in person there are always the pictures and with them, the memories making life beautiful no matter what is happening.